jsonc-parser copied to clipboard
Fails to parse number with `+` prefix
While this is a JSON5 feature rather than JSONC, the parser seems to implement support but fails?:
let parsed = jsonc_parser::parse_to_value(r#"{ "test": +42 }"#, &Default::default());
println!("{:#?}", parsed);
Outputs error:
ParseError {
range: Range {
start: 10,
end: 11,
message: "Unexpected token",
display_message: "Unexpected token on line 1 column 11.",
Or is this observation a misunderstanding? (it was first noted here)
It does seem accurate that this crate is more of a JSON5 parser than a JSONC one?
Just after handling this report I recognized the Some('e')
line as the E notation:
let parsed = jsonc_parser::parse_to_serde_value("1e-3", &Default::default()).expect("parse to value");
let num: f64 = serde_json::from_value(parsed.into()).expect("parse to float");
// 1e3 => 1000.0
// 1e+3 => 1000.0
// 1e-3 => 0.001
println!("{:#?}", num);
While comparing this crate to json5, I was thrown off a bit by all the extra parsing supported beyond what is expected for jsonc 😅 (most features seem to parse at a glance, beyond the number examples)