Doug Guthrie

Results 50 comments of Doug Guthrie

Take a look at the newest version, 2.2.6. There's an additional argument in the history method, `adj_ohlc`. Set that to `True` to adjust the OHLC data.

What are some of the other problems? Could you provide any examples?

Thanks for expanding on your first post. I understand what you’re saying, but I haven’t seen any data come back like that yet. Do you know of any tickers that...

Thanks again for providing the examples. That definitely seems to be a problem. I'm not sure how I'd go about fixing that; do you have any recommendations?

I'm working on a fix for this where a user can specify `start` and `end` arguments similar to the `history` method.

What are the date arguments that you’re using? The reason the dictionary is returned instead of a dataframe is because there was no data returned. The data returned from that...

@midnightdim I'm unable to replicate your first scenario - actually receiving a dataframe with the parameters you're using. I'm on windows, python 3.7.9 ``` date = '2020-11-13' Ticker('aapl').history(start=date, end=date, period='1d')...

I do think though that you've found some problems with the way the logic is structured in that method. I made the assumption that if the `start` and `end` dates...

You can put a print statement in the _get_data method of the _YahooFinance class. After urls just put: ``` def _get_data(self, key, params={}, **kwargs): config = self._CONFIG[key] params = self._construct_params(config,...

The problem is definitely in the `_convert_to_timestamp` function. But, as far as the `history` method is concerned - you can pass a `datetime.datetime` object for the start and end parameters.