samba icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
samba copied to clipboard

[windows] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

Open andyzhangx opened this issue 4 years ago • 10 comments

I tried to use following config args: ["-u", "$(USERNAME);$(PASSWORD)", "-s", "share;/smbshare/;yes;no;no;all;none", "-p"] to set up a SMB server, and then mount one SMB share on multiple windows nodes, the first always succeeded, while the second mount always failed with The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process, this issue only happens on Windows, is there any config wrong? Thanks.

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.1339]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

azureuser@3460k8s001 C:\Users\azureuser>powershell
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\azureuser> Get-SmbGlobalMapping

Status Local Path Remote Path
------ ---------- -----------
OK                \\\share

PS C:\Users\azureuser> exit

azureuser@3460k8s001 C:\Users\azureuser>mkdir /D abc \\\share
The syntax of the command is incorrect.

azureuser@3460k8s001 C:\Users\azureuser>mklink /D abc \\\share
symbolic link created for abc <<===>> \\\share

azureuser@3460k8s001 C:\Users\azureuser>cd abc
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

andyzhangx avatar Aug 10 '20 15:08 andyzhangx

I'm having the same issue and also the error "Handle is invalid" in Windows. From what I've read it's a problem in Samba 4.12.2 and it has been fixed in the next version. It would be great if @dperson could update.

Just checked and the latest version of Samba available in the Alpine 3.12 branch is 4.12.2r1, so this docker container cannot be updated. A workaround is switching to the edge branch and updating Samba to 4.12.5r0 (and all the system) doing the following: sed -i -e 's/v[[:digit:]]\..*\//edge\//g' /etc/apk/repositories apk update apk upgrade

TheGiolly avatar Aug 14 '20 15:08 TheGiolly

I'm having the same issue and also the error "Handle is invalid" in Windows. From what I've read it's a problem in Samba 4.12.2 and it has been fixed in the next version. It would be great if @dperson could update.

Just checked and the latest version of Samba available in the Alpine 3.12 branch is 4.12.2r1, so this docker container cannot be updated. A workaround is switching to the edge branch and updating Samba to 4.12.5r0 (and all the system) doing the following: sed -i -e 's/v[[:digit:]]\..*\//edge\//g' /etc/apk/repositories apk update apk upgrade

@TheGiolly thanks a lot! I could confirm that the fix( could really fix the permission issue on Windows. Still looking forward @dperson to make a fix in master branch.

Here is my fixed image: andyzhangx/samba:win-fix My command to build docker image:

docker build --no-cache -t andyzhangx/samba:win-fix -f ./Dockerfile .

andyzhangx avatar Aug 18 '20 08:08 andyzhangx

The Samba package has been updated to 4.12.6-r0 on both the 3.12 and edge branches of Alpine. So there is no more need to switch to edge, just update the packages with apk -U upgrade

TheGiolly avatar Sep 07 '20 19:09 TheGiolly

For anyone else running into this issue, if you won't be deleting your samba container, here's a quick fix to run against it (credit to TheGiolly above)

docker exec -it samba /bin/bash -c "apk -U upgrade && pkill smbd"

The container will stop automatically (smbd not running) and restart with the latest version of Samba.

To check the container's samba version, use docker exec -it samba /bin/bash -c "smbd --version"

JamoDevNich avatar Oct 19 '20 21:10 JamoDevNich

Hey, I'm also having the same issue as #350, and was directed here. Looks like we just need to build a new latest version, correct?

noamokman avatar Jan 02 '21 05:01 noamokman

With Docker Compose, you can simply replace image: dperson/samba with build: in the service definition to build the most recent version on your own :+1:

bjoluc avatar Apr 27 '21 08:04 bjoluc

With Docker Compose, you can simply replace image: dperson/samba with build: in the service definition to build the most recent version on your own 👍

Do you know how to do this with the run command?

mhbates avatar May 11 '21 03:05 mhbates

With Docker Compose, you can simply replace image: dperson/samba with build: in the service definition to build the most recent version on your own 👍

Do you know how to do this with the run command?

You could try the build command? The command would probably be something like docker build

JamoDevNich avatar May 11 '21 03:05 JamoDevNich

I did a small fork:
(weekly auto-updates)

You are welcome to use the image

(:aarch64 and :armhf also available)

jtagcat avatar Dec 28 '21 18:12 jtagcat

I managed to update the smb version setting read_only to false and the entrypoint in the compose file like this

version: "3.8"

    image: dperson/samba:latest
    entrypoint: bash -c "([[ $(smbclient --version) == 'Version 4.12.2' ]] && apk -U upgrade || echo 'No upgrade required') && /sbin/tini -- /usr/bin/"
    read_only: false

bejas avatar Oct 02 '23 18:10 bejas