Dawid Ciężarkiewicz

Results 459 comments of Dawid Ciężarkiewicz

I was actually thinking about caching whole blocks in memory. I know a lot of people keep mentioning RPi and I'm sure it's popular choice, but I actually run `electrs`...

Correction: > Keeping blocks-worth of data has a benefit of being more privacy preserving. I was mulling about it, and while probably somewhat true... > There are no addresses being...

Please check if binaries get any smaller (not by a huge amount, but still) e.g. examples.

Hmmm... to the byte? We did have a decrease in `rust-bitcoin` tests, though there is a lot of ser/de code involved.

master: ``` ~/l/blocks_iterator (master)> ls -l target/release/blocks_iterator target/release/examples/{heaviest_pipe,less_reward_pipe,most_output_pipe,outputs_versions,verify} -rwxrwxr-x 2 dpc dpc 13362384 Jun 28 10:30 target/release/blocks_iterator // IGNORE -rwxrwxr-x 2 dpc dpc 8934680 Jun 28 10:30 target/release/examples/heaviest_pipe -rwxrwxr-x 2...

> > Is there any reason to use fxhash instead of just take some bytes of txhash? txhash is already uniform and "random", no? Is this to protect from people...

Oh, I see that you're using block file parsing to get the block data. Most bitcoin related projects do, and I never got to try benchmark the difference. In `ruts-bitcoin-indexer`,...

> my experience with RPC is that is not super fast but I didn't bench it. It's important that the RPC is queried with some parallelism to get rid of...

BTW. channel of 200 size are in my experience just wasting memory. Eventually one part becomes a permanent bottleneck one way or another, and all the other places are always...

> lol, here I did exactly the opposite, measuring the busy time as the time the thread spends non-blocked on recv. They are both useful. Logically each step in a...