David Pagini
David Pagini
Well this already wouldn't be working ideally for ACSF, so I suppose this is suggesting we improve the experience for traditional multisites and not solve the ACSF issue immediately?
I'm just seeing you posted on that linked d.o issue for me almost a year ago, sorry about that! I'm having to rack my brain a bit to remember what...
I have the same question... been trying to research this... can't find any references to this "lightweight" entry.
I've actually ran into a similar problem as this. Following.
Good session from Drupalcon Pittsburgh on using Robo (which BLT is built on) to do automated workflows... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVBDSTEiboU
Just wanted to check in on this issue and see if there's any further movement on this...? Looking at this PR, I would not be expecting this module to control...
Hi Apigee team - Is there any direction on this pull request? This has been open for more than a year now, with little discussion. There are some valid discussions...
I'm not sure I agree with this approach, either. I don't think we should be changing the case of an email on the Drupal side. This is very heavy handed....
Apigee X (Endpoint: https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1)
Thanks. I would think that, the controller responsible for calling Apigee simply needs to perform a lowercase conversion on the user email before sending to Apigee?