ipfstube copied to clipboard
Does not actually use IPFS, only IPFS gateways.
I was a little disappointed to see that this only loads videos from IPFS gateways, and does not use ipfs-js. With the recent popularity of peertube I was looking for IPFS equivalents, however all but moshisushi/hlsjs-ipfs-loader seem to only use the gateways.
This means there is zero p2p action happening and 100% of the bandwidth always goes to the hard coded set of gateways.
It would be great if the IPFS video players that are being developed could actually use ipfs-js to gain the P2P ability that IPFS provides, and not just use small number of free gateways.
It's swapped over to use js-ipfs now. Some features like uploading are still missing but I'll add those as I go.
Are you still working on this? Seems like the demo is just showing a lot of websockets errors
Hope you continue working on this repl,thanks!
I haven't been able to get IPFS working reliably in the browser. I think it might be a matter of waiting for full DHT support in ipfs-js if that ever happens.