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Real-Time Collaboration is open sourcing the effort they made to create a fully html5 pedigree viewer. This works on most modern browsers and features panning, zooming, and view modifications.

Results 6 Pedigree-Viewer issues
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It's probably the best javascript I've found for running a family tree scenario. Though i'm hoping to get my head into it and make it a bit more usable because...

Hi, Thanks for the great work… really useful to me. It seems that parents of an individual are not shown in the tree if only the mother is known. This...

Is it an option to include visualisation of Year of Birth / provide remarks (as pop-up)?

The orange tree position doesn't get placed/render correctly in Chrome. It works correctly in Firefox. Panning in the box still works, though the panning isn't scaled like it should be.

I am thinking of incorporate the BootStrap library for this, unless there are feelings otherwise. This would give us features like: auto-suggest (i'd love to find someone in a tree...
