dovpanda copied to clipboard
Crash on import.
Brief Description
on Import I get the error "AttributeError: module 'pandas.core.indexing' has no attribute '_NDFrameIndexer'"
as far as I can tell this is was bound to private method that been removed from pandas
System Information
jupyter core : 4.7.1 jupyter-notebook : 6.2.0 qtconsole : not installed ipython : 7.21.0 ipykernel : 5.5.0 jupyter client : 6.1.12 jupyter lab : 3.0.10 nbconvert : 5.6.1
- Notebook /
- Python version (required): Python 3.8.5
Minimally Reproducible Code
import pandas as pd from pandas.api.types import is_string_dtype, is_numeric_dtype, is_categorical_dtype import dovpanda
Error Messages
"AttributeError: module 'pandas.core.indexing' has no attribute '_NDFrameIndexer'"
It's a bug I recenetly found out about when working with pandas > 1
wokabout: after the annoying message dov panda actually works.