darcula copied to clipboard
A Vim color scheme reproduction of the official JetBrains IDE Darcula theme
:smiling_imp: A Vim/Neovim color scheme reproduction of the official JetBrains IDE Darcula theme
If you use a plugin manager, follow the traditional way.
For example with vim-plug add this in .vimrc
Plug 'doums/darcula'
Then run in vim:
:source $MYVIMRC
If you use vim package :h packages
Put this in your .vimrc
colorscheme darcula
To fully enjoy the color scheme and if your terminal supports Truecolor add
set termguicolors
If you use lightline:
let g:lightline = { 'colorscheme': 'darculaOriginal' }
NOTE: lightline already provides a "darcula" color scheme that I find simply bad. I strongly recommend to use mine instead (using darculaOriginal
instead of darcula
in the above config).
tree-sitter support
- Truecolor
- 256 color
- nvim-treesitter
- nvim LSP
VimScript API
the colors palette of Darcula
helper function to create/modify highlight group
call darcula#Hi('rustLifetime', darcula#palette.macroName, darcula#palette.bg, 'italic')
call darcula#Hi('Comment', [ '#eeeeee', 255 ], darcula#palette.null, 'italic')
call darcula#Hi('BlackFg', [ '#000000', 16 ])
helper groups
Darcula provides some helper groups.
You can use them with hi link
hi! link GitGutterAdd GitAddStripe
hi! link GitGutterChange GitChangeStripe
hi! link GitGutterDelete GitDeleteStripe
let g:gitgutter_sign_removed = '▶'
hi! link CocErrorSign ErrorSign
hi! link CocWarningSign WarningSign
hi! link CocInfoSign InfoSign
hi! link CocHintSign HintSign
hi! link CocErrorFloat Pmenu
hi! link CocWarningFloat Pmenu
hi! link CocInfoFloat Pmenu
hi! link CocHintFloat Pmenu
hi! link CocHighlightText IdentifierUnderCaret
hi! link CocHighlightRead IdentifierUnderCaret
hi! link CocHighlightWrite IdentifierUnderCaretWrite
hi! link CocErrorHighlight CodeError
hi! link CocWarningHighlight CodeWarning
hi! link CocInfoHighlight CodeInfo
hi! link CocHintHighlight CodeHint
hi! link ALEError Error
hi! link ALEWarning CodeWarning
hi! link ALEInfo CodeInfo
hi! link ALEErrorSign ErrorSign
hi! link ALEWarningSign WarningSign
hi! link ALEInfoSign InfoSign
JetBrains for the original and awsome Darcula color scheme!
Mozilla Public License 2.0