plugin-sass copied to clipboard
Plan for Modular Sass?
Hi, do you have plan for modular sass? Like supporting local scope?
good question. I am not the absolute expert in SASS so I don't know local scope
exactly. But yes, I want to implement almost everything that is possible to get this plugin feature complete as possible.
@f15gdsy Are you referring to @import of partials ( or are you referring to variable scope and content blocks (
Sounds more like a CSS modules thing?
in sass-inject
import postCSSlocalByDefault from 'postcss-modules-local-by-default'
import postCSSextractImports from 'postcss-modules-extract-imports'
import postCSSscope from 'postcss-modules-scope'
import postCSSvalues from 'postcss-modules-values'
import PostCSSparser from './parser.js'
import resolvePath from './resolve-path.js'
new compile function in the same file
async function compile (scss, styleUrl) {
// compile module
const content = scss.content
const responseText = content.responseText
if (typeof content === 'string' && content === '' ||
typeof responseText !== 'undefined' && responseText === '') {
return ''
const sass = await importSass
let { status, text, formatted } = await new Promise(res => { // eslint-disable-line
sass.compile(content, scss.options, res)
if (status !== 0) {
throw formatted
// rewrite urls and copy assets if enabled
const pluginOptions = System.sassPluginOptions || {}
if (pluginOptions.rewriteUrl) {
const CssUrlRewriterModule = await System.import('css-url-rewriter-ex', __moduleName)
const CssUrlRewriter = CssUrlRewriterModule.default
const urlRewriter = new CssUrlRewriter({ root: System.baseURL })
text = urlRewriter.rewrite(styleUrl, text)
const postcss = await System.import('postcss', __moduleName)
const postCSSPlugins = [
// apply autoprefixer if enabled
if (pluginOptions.autoprefixer) {
const autoprefixerOptions = pluginOptions.autoprefixer instanceof Object
? pluginOptions.autoprefixer
: undefined
const autoprefixer = await System.import('autoprefixer', __moduleName)
const postCSSparser = new PostCSSparser()
// Run
const { css } = await postcss(postCSSPlugins).process(text, { from: '/' })
text = css
// inject module and remove old module
injectStyle(text, styleUrl)
// return an empty module in the module pipeline itself
return `export default ${JSON.stringify(postCSSparser.exportTokens)}`
parser.js is here:
the only tweak there is the plugin line which no longer goes up the whole tree
plugin( css, result, ) {
return new Promise(res => res())
.then( _ => this.linkImportedSymbols( css ) )
.then( _ => this.extractExports( css ) )
there's no speed improvement in removing it
maybe a hash would help