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A simple boilerplate for an admission controller in Go.

Go admission controller

This repository aims to show you a basic boilerplate of an admission controller in go.

Kubernetes admission controllers

In a nutshell, Kubernetes admission controllers are plugins that govern and enforce how the cluster is used. They can be thought of as a gatekeeper that intercept (authenticated) API requests and may change the request object or deny the request altogether. The admission control process has two phases: the mutating phase is executed first, followed by the validating phase.

Kubernetes admission Controller Phases:


At the root level, we have defined some core structs.

In admission.go we have the main structs: AdmitFunc , Hook, and Result.

AdmitFunc is a function type that defines how to process an admission request. It is where you define the validations or mutations for a specific request. You will see some examples in deployments and pods packages.

type AdmitFunc func(request *admission.AdmissionRequest) (*Result, error)

Hook is representing the set of functions (AdmitFunc) for each operation in an admission webhook. When you create an admission webhook, either validating or mutating, you have to define which operations you want to intervene.

type Hook struct {
	Create  AdmitFunc
	Delete  AdmitFunc
	Update  AdmitFunc
	Connect AdmitFunc

For example, you might want to create a validation webhook to apply a specific validation in the pods' creation. For that, you have to create a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration as the following:

kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
  - name: pod-validation.default.svc
      - operations: ["CREATE"] # which operations you want to match.
        resources: ["pods"]

So, now you can create a Hook instance for that webhook, just setting the Create function. If your webhook handles more operations, you should create the functions and set them for each operation.

You can see a better example in the deployments package.

// webhook with just one operation [CREATE]
hook := admissioncontroller.Hook{Create: myValidationFunction}

// webhook with multiple operations [CREATE,DELETE]
hook := admissioncontroller.Hook{Create: createValidation, Delete: deleteValidation}

In patch.go we have the struct and function for JSON patch operation.

PatchOperation represents a JSON patch operation.

A mutating admission webhook may modify the incoming object in the request. This is done using the JSON patch format. See JSON patch documentation for more details.

You can see a better example in the function mutateCreate inside the pods package, where we use PatchOperation to set an annotation to the pod and also, to add a sidecar container.

type PatchOperation struct {
	Op    string
	Path  string
	From  string
	Value interface{}



This package should contain all the validations and mutations for Pods resources.

For example, we have a function to reject a pod creation request if any of the pod's containers are using the latest tag.

func validateCreate() admissioncontroller.AdmitFunc {
	return func(r *v1beta1.AdmissionRequest) (*admissioncontroller.Result, error) {
		pod, err := parsePod(r.Object.Raw)
		if err != nil {
			return &admissioncontroller.Result{Msg: err.Error()}, nil
		for _, c := range pod.Spec.Containers {
			if strings.HasSuffix(c.Image, ":latest") {
				return &admissioncontroller.Result{Msg: "You cannot use the tag 'latest' in a container."}, nil
		return &admissioncontroller.Result{Allowed: true}, nil

Also, we have the function mutateCreate, which is used in a MutatinWebhook, this function uses PatchOperations to tell Kubernetes that have to make certain modifications to the pod creation, the mutations are:

  • Using JSON Patch operation to add an annotations to the pod.
  • Using JSON Patch operation to replace the pod's containers adding a new container as a simple sidecar container. This is such a powerful feature. For example, Istio uses a similar approach to inject its sidecar containers into each pod.
func mutateCreate() admissioncontroller.AdmitFunc {
	return func(r *v1beta1.AdmissionRequest) (*admissioncontroller.Result, error) {
		var operations []admissioncontroller.PatchOperation
		// ...
		if pod.Namespace == "special" {
			var containers []v1.Container
			containers = append(containers, pod.Spec.Containers...)
			sideC := v1.Container{
				Name:    "test-sidecar",
				Image:   "busybox:stable",
				Command: []string{"sh", "-c", "while true; do echo 'I am a container injected by mutating webhook'; sleep 2; done"},
			containers = append(containers, sideC)
			operations = append(operations, admissioncontroller.ReplacePatchOperation("/spec/containers", containers))
		metadata := map[string]string{"origin": "fromMutation"}
		operations = append(operations, admissioncontroller.AddPatchOperation("/metadata/annotations", metadata))
		return &admissioncontroller.Result{
			Allowed:  true,
			PatchOps: operations,
		}, nil

The idea is that you can have a different package to handle one or multiple resources.

For example, you could have an annotations package to mutate or validate annotations cross resources such as Pod, Deployments, DaemonSet, etc.


This package should contain all the validations and mutations for Deployments resources.

The current examples are:

  • The validateCreate function validates in a create operation if the deployment namespace is special. If it is, the function will reject the request.
  • The validateDelete function validates in a delete operation if the deployment namespace is special-system. If it is, the function will reject the request.


Contains the http server and its handlers.

http.NewServer returns an HTTP server, and here we will register all our webhooks.

// NewServer creates and return a http.Server
func NewServer(port string) *http.Server {
	// Instances hooks
	podsValidation := pods.NewValidationHook()
	deploymentValidation := deployments.NewValidationHook()
	// Routers
	ah := newAdmissionHandler()
	mux.Handle("/validate/pods", ah.Serve(podsValidation))
	mux.Handle("/validate/deployments", ah.Serve(deploymentValidation))
	return &http.Server{
		Addr:    fmt.Sprintf(":%s", port),
		Handler: mux,

admissionHandler represents the HTTP handler for an admission webhook.

type admissionHandler struct {
	decoder runtime.Decoder

// Serve returns an http.HandlerFunc for an admission webhook that contains all the
// logic to process an admission webhook request.
func (h *admissionHandler) Serve(hook admissioncontroller.Hook) http.HandlerFunc {


Contains all the files required to run a demo of this admission controller. Using the script, you can deploy the admission controller in a k8s cluster.

Note: demo/ is just for develop/test environment. It was not intended for production.

A cluster on which this example can be tested should have the API enabled. You can verify that using the following command:

kubectl api-versions

You should check that MutatingAdmissionWebhook and ValidatingAdmissionWebhook are activated in your cluster inspecting the kube-apiserver


Run demo/ will create a self-signed CA, a certificate and private for the server and the webhooks, also will create the following resources: tls secret, Deployment, and all the Admission webhooks.

You can see all the created resources:

kubectl get svc
NAME               TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
admission-server   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   1h

kubectl get deployment
admission-server   1/1     0            1           1h

kubectl get secret
NAME                  TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
admission-tls                     2      1h

kubectl get mutatingwebhookconfigurations
pod-mutation   1          1h

kubectl get validatingwebhookconfigurations
NAME                    WEBHOOKS   AGE
deployment-validation   1          1h
pod-validation          1          1h

Then we can use the different manifests inside demo/pods and demo/deployments to test the validations and mutations that we have registered.