loopback-console copied to clipboard
async/await promise exception output broken
my app uses es7 async await all over the place with try/catch exception handling in the async/await code. When an exception is thrown in the console the output is mangled. The exception message is output as an array instead of a string or something. example below.
2018-05-18T00:37:18.074Z [45470] ============================================
Loopback Console
Primary handles available:
- app: The Loopback app handle
- cb: A simplistic results callback that stores and prints
- result: The handle on which cb() stores results
Other handles available:
- Models: AccessToken, Affiliate, Announcement, APIKey, Application, Broker, Chat, ChatChannel, ConnectedUsers, Email, Error, Execution, Funding, IndexComposite, Instrument, InstrumentInterval, Insurance, Leaderboard, Liquidation, LiquidationOrder, LoginRecord, Margin, Notification, Order, OrderBook, OrderBookL2, Position, Quote, RoleMapping, Role, Scope, Schema, Secret, Settlement, Stats, StatsHistory, StatsUSD, Trade, TradeBin, Transaction, User, UserCommission, UserPreferences, Wallet, Webhook, accessToken, roleMapping, user
Loopback-console >User.new(
... '[email protected]',
... 'hadof78909ads8f',
... 'testuserfromconsole',
... 'user1',
... 'testuser',
... true,
... null,
... 'US'
... );
2018-05-18T00:37:32.425Z [45470] Error during creation of user testuserfromconsole[[email protected]](75633): undefined
2018-05-18T00:37:33.990Z [45470] [Promise Rejection]
OperationalError {
'0': 'c',
'1': 'o',
'2': 'n',
'3': 'n',
'4': 'e',
'5': 'c',
'6': 't',
'7': ' ',
'8': 'E',
'9': 'C',
'10': 'O',
'11': 'N',
'12': 'N',
'13': 'R',
'14': 'E',
'15': 'F',
'16': 'U',
'17': 'S',
'18': 'E',
'19': 'D',
'20': ' ',
'21': '1',
'22': '2',
'23': '7',
'24': '.',
'25': '0',
'26': '.',
'27': '0',
'28': '.',
'29': '1',
'30': ':',
'31': '4',
'32': '6',
'33': '5',
cause: { '0': 'c',
'1': 'o',
'2': 'n',
'3': 'n',
'4': 'e',
'5': 'c',
'6': 't',
'7': ' ',
'8': 'E',
'9': 'C',
'10': 'O',
'11': 'N',
'12': 'N',
'13': 'R',
'14': 'E',
'15': 'F',
'16': 'U',
'17': 'S',
'18': 'E',
'19': 'D',
'20': ' ',
'21': '1',
'22': '2',
'23': '7',
'24': '.',
'25': '0',
'26': '.',
'27': '0',
'28': '.',
'29': '1',
'30': ':',
'31': '4',
'32': '6',
'33': '5',
error: undefined,
syscall: 'connect',
address: '',
port: 465 },
__cachedRelations: {},
{ '0': 'c',
'1': 'o',
'2': 'n',
'3': 'n',
'4': 'e',
'5': 'c',
'6': 't',
'7': ' ',
'8': 'E',
'9': 'C',
'10': 'O',
'11': 'N',
'12': 'N',
'13': 'R',
'14': 'E',
'15': 'F',
'16': 'U',
'17': 'S',
'18': 'E',
'19': 'D',
'20': ' ',
'21': '1',
'22': '2',
'23': '7',
'24': '.',
'25': '0',
'26': '.',
'27': '0',
'28': '.',
'29': '1',
'30': ':',
'31': '4',
'32': '6',
'33': '5',
error: undefined,
syscall: 'connect',
address: '',
port: 465 },
__dataSource: undefined,
__strict: false,
__persisted: false,
syscall: 'connect',
address: '',
port: 465,
command: 'CONN' }
Loopback-console >2018-05-18T00:37:49.010Z [45470] (Chrome 65.0.3325.181, Mac OS) - "GET /api/v1/geo " 404 9b - 177.891 ms
Hey @kevzettler - sorry for the trouble. Hmm. Async/await should not complicate how errors are handled, because async methods are just returning promises and exceptions are transformed into promise rejections.
What I see from your output is that your code is throwing an error of type OperationalError
. Is it possible that your OperationalError is not stringifying itself nicely? The loopback-console code for printing errors is very simple, using just console.log.
If you send me a small sample project reproducing the problem I'd be happy to dig in deeper!
@doublemarked the promises in use here are from the BlueBird promise library: https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird
OperationalError seems to stem from that. https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/docs/docs/api/operationalerror.md
looks like we are trying to use generic Errors for OperationalError:
declare class OperationalError extends Error {}
Any further thoughts?
Can you put together a small sample project demonstrating the problem? I'd be happy to then debug and fix it.