lovesay icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
lovesay copied to clipboard

cowsay, but full of love ♡

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❖ Information

lovesay is a simple python script that displays a quote from a loved one based on the day of the month or a quote passed in through the cli arguments.

lovesay gif

❖ Requirements

Note: These requirements only apply if using you're using lovesay to print a different quote for each day of the month.

  • A quotes file stored in $HOME/.config/lovesay/
  • Each quote must be on a new line, see the example quotes file in .config/lovesay/quotes
  • (optional) A partner to write you 31 lines full of love, one for each day of the month

❖ Installation

Install from pip

pip3 install lovesay

Install from source

git clone
cd lovesay
poetry build
pip3 install ./dist/lovesay-0.3.7.tar.gz

❖ Usage

lovesay can be used in a similar fashion to cowsay

lovesay "Hello World"

if there's a quotes file in $HOME/.config/lovesay/, lovesay can be used without any arguments


if you'd like to use a quotes stored somewhere other than the path above, the LOVESAY_PATH env variable can be used as such

export LOVESAY_PATH="~/path/to/file"

lovesay can also be used with a variety of different color schemes.

lovesay uses catppuccin(mocha) as it's default color scheme, but a different one can be specified using the --color option.

For example:

lovesay # uses catppuccin
lovesay -c nord # uses nord 

Supported color schemes as of now:

by default, lovesay checks for the quotes file at $HOME/.config/lovesay/quotes if there is nothing there and no quote is given using the cli args, it will just print out a heart with no quote

❖ About lovesay

I wrote lovesay because I got tired of seeing neofetch or pfetch every time I opened my terminal. I wanted something more personal.

Seeing words full of love from my partner is a lot better than any other command I could possibly run. It makes my terminal feel cozy, welcoming, and as is the case with most things my partner touches, it makes my terminal feel like home.

I hope that someone else finds a use for this little script as well. Love is a wonderful thing, and we could all use a little bit more of it in our lives (especially arch linux users)

❖ What's New?

0.3.7 - Switched to the kolorz package for colored output