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A .NET library for reading and writing Microsoft Office binary and OOXML file formats. What is the "Automatic" color as per • npoi/ooxml/SS/UserModel/IndexedColors.cs
代码简写如下: var files = Request.Form.Files; var file = files.FirstOrDefault(); var fs = file.OpenReadStream(); workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(fs); //这里报错,已知文件为xlsx文件无疑,NPOI本身导出的文件上传无问题,但是Excel2016编辑过后再上传导入就会出现该问题。同时测试了直接从本地通过System.IO.File打开本地同样的文件不会出现该问题。 升级到1.2.0出现该问题,之前使用1.0.2无该问题。 测试降级到1.0.2版本后以上问题消失。 ZipException: Invalid input data ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams.InflaterInputStream.Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)...
如果多次调用 XSSFRichTextString ApplyFont,且在多次调用中传入的 startIndex和endIndex有重合,则会导致对应的Font不生效: 目标文本: 保时捷保时捷保时捷 richTextString.Apply(0,3,customFont); richTextString.Apply(3,6,customFont); richTextString.Apply(6,9,customFont); 这样的情况下customFont不生效
各位大神,我这样写border,但是没有生效,求助 HSSFCellStyle styleTitle = workbook.CreateCellStyle() as HSSFCellStyle; HSSFColor hssFColor = palette.FindColor(192, 192, 192); styleTitle.FillForegroundColor = hssFColor.Indexed; styleTitle.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground; styleTitle.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thick; styleTitle.TopBorderColor = HSSFColor.Black.Index; styleTitle.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thick; styleTitle.RightBorderColor =...
I have a docx file ,i want to open it and modify it.But when i use the code below to open it ,it throws an expection,i can't open any docx...
I use Fedora 28. I have already followed following steps described in readme. ``` dnf install libgdiplus cd /usr/lib64/ ln -s gdiplus.dll ``` this may help for diagnosing the...
This repository is great in that there is now a .NET Standard version of NPOI available, but it's clearly not maintained so it's not seeing any of the benefits of...
When I save a workbook I noticed that the print gridlines option is being set without ever being modified by the program. I traced the problem to how the printOptions...