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"An Alternative Path"
A self sustaining future for the VB.NET world
Personally, I’ve always believed that the best thing that could happen to VB.NET would be to get rid of Microsoft’s restrictions.
The last post on the VB blog (https://devblogs.microsoft.com/vbtea…d-for-net-5-0/) for thousands of developers was like being left with no ground and no future, I personally I thought it was the true beginning of the VB world.
For a long time the VB developer was very pragmatic and rightly so, MS has always left a very practical but also very limited ecosystem, but I will always be grateful to MS for bringing VB here.
Today after 2 years and 9 months and 11 days, Anthony D. Green presents us with a great opportunity, of course first of all I am saying a great opportunity for VB.NET enthusiasts and lovers.
Today, 12/20/2022, a self-funded VB.NET community is born, focusing on VB.NET and for VB.NET
I invite you to access:
- https://anthonydgreen.net/2022/12/07…ility/#respond
- https://gitter.im/VB-NET/community
and if you feel convinced, I invite you to visit
- https://www.patreon.com/ThatVBGuy
Thanks for reading