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Champion "Await in Catch and Finally"
VB doesn't allow this today and C# does. Seems like it could be a pain if APIs require this pattern a lot.
There are special design considerations required for VB as in VB it is permitted to Goto
from the Catch block back into the Try
block. This would complicate the state machine rewrite a bit:
dim retryCount = 0 try retry: catch ex as Exception When retryCount < 3 retryCount += 1 goto retry end try
Will it be ready for VS 2017 RTM ? On roslyn repo it was proposal for quite some time
We are "done" with the compiler for VS2017 RTM and the work for this has not started.
I am disappointed. This is most missing feature. Will it be avalable in some VS 2017 update ?
@vbcodec We do not make product announcements on github. Usually product announcements and plans would be found on the Visual Studio Blog.
@vbcodec we do have the ability to ship it in an update, though as Neal says, we can't commit to if it would ship in an update or which update it would ship in. We don't usually commit to features in updates this early given that our highest priorities for them are bug fixes, performance improvements, and reacting to other feedback from the RTW.
So, what is the current status on this? Has this discussed lately in any LDMs?
There is nothing to discuss. There feature is self explanatory. There may be questions that come up during implementation but there's nothing to design at this point.
With "discuss"I mean, has it somehow prioritized that an actual implementation will begin?
We have not announced a schedule for any features post 15.3. That process is on-going and the recent activity on this repo are specifically motivated to get more transparency into the backlog. When that process produces a schedule we're confident in enough to share it'll be published here and on the Roslyn repo.
The VB LDM looked at this proposal on August 9th and approved it in-principle. We also decided not to restrict VBs existing permissiveness with Goto
in the Catch
block in the presence of an Await
; we should just do the work to make it work. We haven't scheduled it since the priority of the feature is unclear. We believe that IAsyncDisposable
and Async Using
which we're looking at for VB 16/C# 8 would naturally raise the priority of this. Additional real-word customer scenarios would be needed to raise its priority before that.
Here's a scenario, snippets taken from taken from the ASP.NET docs sample project for
ContosoUniversity RazorPages that has been converted to VB
If Await TryUpdateModelAsync(Of Department)(departmentToUpdate, "Department", Function(s) s.Name, Function(s) s.StartDate, Function(s) s.Budget, Function(s) s.InstructorID) Then
Await _context.SaveChangesAsync()
Return RedirectToPage("./Index")
Catch ex As DbUpdateConcurrencyException
Dim exceptionEntry = ex.Entries.Single()
Dim clientValues = CType(exceptionEntry.Entity, Department)
Dim databaseEntry = exceptionEntry.GetDatabaseValues()
If databaseEntry Is Nothing Then
ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "Unable to save. " & "The department was deleted by another user.")
Return Page()
End If
Dim dbValues = CType(databaseEntry.ToObject(), Department)
Await setDbErrorMessage(dbValues, clientValues, _context)
' Save the current RowVersion so next postback
' matches unless an new concurrency issue happens.
Department.RowVersion = CType(dbValues.RowVersion, Byte())
' Must clear the model error for the next postback.
End Try
End If
Private Async Function setDbErrorMessage(dbValues As Department, clientValues As Department, context As SchoolContext) As Task
If dbValues.Name <> clientValues.Name Then
ModelState.AddModelError("Department.Name", $"Current value: {dbValues.Name}")
End If
If dbValues.Budget <> clientValues.Budget Then
ModelState.AddModelError("Department.Budget", $"Current value: {dbValues.Budget:c}")
End If
If dbValues.StartDate <> clientValues.StartDate Then
ModelState.AddModelError("Department.StartDate", $"Current value: {dbValues.StartDate:d}")
End If
If dbValues.InstructorID <> clientValues.InstructorID Then
Dim dbInstructor As Instructor = Await _context.Instructors.FindAsync(dbValues.InstructorID)
ModelState.AddModelError("Department.InstructorID", $"Current value: {dbInstructor?.FullName}")
End If
ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "The record you attempted to edit " & "was modified by another user after you. The " & "edit operation was canceled and the current values in the database " & "have been displayed. If you still want to edit this record, click " & "the Save button again.")
End Function
Seems like it could be a pain if APIs require this pattern a lot.
Now that IAsyncDisposable
has shipped, this seems to have become a bigger pain.
Yes please and this is also just so frustrating. IAsyncDisposable also presupposes VB support for an Async function that returns ValueTask which it absolutely should have. It is sick and wrong to have to carve out exceptions, write C# helper functions, etc., just to get a seat at the table with the big kids.
I'm not a regular user of C#... so my take on this is purely as a consumer of VB. In other words, I don't give a rats rear-end regarding what C# is or isn't capable of doing or how it does it. With that out of the way...
It does seem rather annoying that it isn't possible to utilize Await in a Catch block.
One recent example where I've encountered this (and it's not a unique occurrence)... and, yes, was able to "work around" was when I wanted in an Async function that has a multiple phases to work through. It is entirely possible to have an exception occur and, in the event one does occur, I'd like to update my visual layer (WinForms) so that there is a visible indication of this happening. To do this I have a Label on the Form and would like to update it with a comment stating that a particular step has failed. Simple enough to update the .Text value. However, I'd also like to add a bit of a delay... my choices are...
In the Catch block:
MessageLabel.Text = "It failed because...": Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000)
--- OR ---
Before the Try block:
Dim errorMessage As String = Nothing
In the Catch block:
errorMessage = "It failed because..."
After the Try block:
If errorMessage IsNot Nothing Then
MessageLabel.Text = errorMessage: Await Task.Delay(2000)
errorMessage = Nothing ' To clear it out for the (maybe) next time further down in the code.
End If
Both of these will work with what we currently have... however, in order to not lock up the UI, I have to do something in three different places in the code and this is something that could easily lead to human error over time as the project evolves.
If I could simply switch out the thread-locking version with:
MessageLabel.Text = "It failed because...": Await Task.Delay(2000)
The code is clean and there isn't the penalty of locking the UI.
I'm sure there are other scenarios where this is the case... just bringing this one up as I literally run into it constantly.
it's 2021, has this functionality (await inside catch for VB) been eliminated as a possibility?