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Scenario / Potential Use Case: Teaching unit testing with NUnit and try .NET
Posting this here after a chat with @LadyNaggaga to list a potential use case and see if we can collaborate or become an alpha user the limited trial of Try .NET's JS implementation.
I'm the lead of the NUnit docs project. In addition to our static docs (built with docfx currently), I've wanted a way for folks to see tests executing and build upon them right in the browser. I love the idea of being able to embed snippets of NUnit tests in the docs and have them execute and report their output.
I'd love to be able to:
- Show some unit tests
- Reference the NUnit library in the background or in the snippet
- Click "Run"
- In the background, use the NUnit libraries or console runner to run the test and generate output so that users can see whether the test passes or fails.
This also could begin to serve as a living regression / functional test suite for the product itself.
This is just an idea I had to unlock some potential, and is not a pressing need, but I'd love to collaborate to try this out in its early stages if the opportunity presents itself.