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A11y_.NET Websites_.NET In-Browser Tutorial_Intro_FocusOrder: Keyboard focus is going somewhere else in background after pressing tab on code editor page.
"Check out Accessibility Insights! - Identify accessibility bugs before check-in and make bug fixing faster and easier.”
GitHubTags: #A11yTCS;#A11yWCAG2.1;#DesktopWeb;#.NET Websites;#Win10;#P2-TrydotNetWebsite-Aug21;#WCAG2.4.3;#Focus Visible;#FTP;#P2-WCP;#Keyboard;
Environment Details:
Application Name: .NET Websites #URL:
OS and Browser Details:
Chromium Edge Version:99.0.1150.46 (Official build) (64-bit) Windows 11
Repro Steps:
- Hit the URL:
- Tab till Header section present on the top
- Tab till home>Learning Center>In-browser tutorial
- Navigate to STEP 1 : Intro present under heading .NET In-Browser Tutorial
- Tab till online code editor.
- You will observe Keyboard
- focus is going somewhere else in background after pressing tab once we enter (Alt+F1) code editor shortcut Key.
Keyboard focus is going somewhere else in background after pressing tab on code editor page.
Similar issue is observed in below url
Keyboard focus should go on Run code instead of somewhere else in the background.
User Impact:
Keyboard user will get confused if the focus order is not correct.
Attachment for Reference:
Note: As per discussion with SME lowering the severity.