orleans copied to clipboard
TypeLoadException: Unable to resolve type alias "("inv",[Orleans.Runtime.GrainReference]
Hey guys, is there some reason I can't use same method name again?
For example, Let's say I have following grain
public interface ISomeGrain : IGrainWithIntegerKey
Task Method();
and I've accidentally getting TypeLoadException: Unable to resolve type alias "("inv",[Orleans.Runtime.GrainReference]
exception by changing signature like:
public interface ISomeGrain : IGrainWithIntegerKey
Task Method(int accidentParameter);
so I hot-fixed the grain by adding a new signature like:
public interface ISomeGrain : IGrainWithIntegerKey
Task Method();
Task NewMethod(int accidentParameter);
and everything went okay. (this was a painful experience tho..)
The problem is I cannot use the same method name again and wonder why is that so. I've completely deployed version 1 grain and trying to reclaim the method name back but Orleans kept throwing TypeLoadException
again like interface below:
public interface ISomeGrain : IGrainWithIntegerKey
Task Method(int accidentParameter);
Here's my question:
- Why am I not allowed to use the method name of the previous version?
- Why am I not allowed to accept consequences (having side effects, being not backward compatible) but getting runtime errors instead of making silent signature changes?
I have a staging environment of 12 different hetero silos (because of microservices..) and only 2 of them got interface signature changes deployed. The one is the silo where grain got implemented and the one is the silo where we have the client (via GrainFactory) and the client is throwing TypeLoadException
even if I have deployed version 2 of the grain interface on both silos.
Hi @christallire, could you please clarify what triggers this issue for you? From your description, it sounds like defining this grain interface is enough:
public interface ISomeGrain : IGrainWithIntegerKey
Task Method();
Is that correct?
Nope, need to have a different signature defined compared to no version(or version 0) like:
public interface ISomeGrain : IGrainWithIntegerKey
Task Method();
Task NewMethod(int accidentParameter);
public interface ISomeGrain : IGrainWithIntegerKey
Task Method(int accidentParameter);
This is re: question 1
public interface ISomeGrain : IGrainWithIntegerKey
Task Method();
public interface ISomeGrain : IGrainWithIntegerKey
Task Method(int accidentParameter);
this is re: question 2
Ok, so you've got a heterogeneous setup where you're modifying a grain interface and the problem is that it's no longer the same method, so Orleans doesn't know what to do with it. You can tell Orleans to treat them as the same method by giving the method an alias using [Alias("My method")]
on the grain interface method. In that case maybe it will work. We should improve the error message either way.
But isn't that okay as long as agreed between both parties that are no longer the same method and both are aware of it? I was scratching my head because that doesn't just work.
Silo 1 knows: ISomeGrain Version 0 (just referencing defined assembly, not using the interface) Silo 2 knows: ISomeGrain Version 0 (just referencing defined assembly, not using the interface) Silo 3 knows: ISomeGrain Version 0 (just referencing defined assembly, not using the interface) Silo 4 knows: ISomeGrain Version 0 (just referencing defined assembly, not using the interface) Silo 5 knows: ISomeGrain Version 2 (the client, fully deployed) Silo 6 knows: ISomeGrain Version 2 (grain is activated here, fully deployed)
Silo 5 got TypeLoadException
Here's my question:
- Why am I not allowed to use the method name of the previous version?
- Why am I not allowed to accept consequences (having side effects, being not backward compatible) but getting runtime errors instead of making silent signature changes?
You should be allowed to use a method name which was also defined in a previous version. Could you upload a repro? I'd like to investigate.
I'm running into this issue too. But only on 1 of the 3 replicas that my silo container is deployed to. Is there some kind of cache or short-term memory that is hanging onto these type definitions which can be deleted before a redeploy? This makes it challenging while just trying to develop a first release of an application.
I am observing the same behavior in a non heterogeneous setup after changing a grain interface.
public interface IAssertionGrain : IGrainWithStringKey, IUpdateResourceNotifier
Task<Assertion> Register(Assertion assertion);
Task Delete();
Task<Assertion?> GetDetails();
Task<AssertionStatistics> QueryHistory(DateTimeOffset start, DateTimeOffset end);
public interface IAssertionGrain : IGrainWithStringKey, IUpdateResourceNotifier
Task<Assertion> Register(Assertion assertion);
Task Delete();
Task<Assertion?> GetDetails();
Task<AssertionStatistics> QueryHistory(DateTimeOffset start, DateTimeOffset end, string gameRegion, string gameStage, string gameVersion = Metrics.Dimensions.DefaultValue);
Stack Trace:
An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request.
System.TypeLoadException: Unable to resolve type alias "("inv",[Orleans.Runtime.GrainReference],[Insights.Telemetry.Grains.Interfaces.IAssertionGrain,Insights.Telemetry.Grains.Interfaces],"1AC7528E")".
at Orleans.Serialization.TypeSystem.TypeConverter.ResolveCompoundAliasType[TState](TupleTypeSpec input, TState& state) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/TypeSystem/TypeConverter.cs:line 545
at Orleans.Serialization.TypeSystem.RuntimeTypeNameRewriter.TypeRewriter`1.HandleCompoundType(TupleTypeSpec type, String assemblyName) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/TypeSystem/RuntimeTypeNameRewriter.cs:line 223
at Orleans.Serialization.TypeSystem.RuntimeTypeNameRewriter.TypeRewriter`1.ApplyInner(TypeSpec input, String assemblyName) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/TypeSystem/RuntimeTypeNameRewriter.cs:line 77
at Orleans.Serialization.TypeSystem.TypeConverter.ParseInternal(TypeSpec parsed, Type& type) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/TypeSystem/TypeConverter.cs:line 345
at Orleans.Serialization.TypeSystem.TypeCodec.TryRead[TInput](Reader`1& reader) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/TypeSystem/TypeCodec.cs:line 72
at Orleans.Serialization.Codecs.FieldHeaderCodec.ReadType[TInput](Reader`1& reader, SchemaType schemaType) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/Codecs/FieldHeaderCodec.cs:line 219
at Orleans.Serialization.Codecs.FieldHeaderCodec.ReadExtendedFieldHeader[TInput](Reader`1& reader, Field& field) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/Codecs/FieldHeaderCodec.cs:line 201
at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.MessageSerializer.ReadBodyObject[TInput](Message message, Reader`1& reader) in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Messaging/MessageSerializer.cs:line 129
at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.MessageSerializer.TryRead(ReadOnlySequence`1& input, Message& message) in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Messaging/MessageSerializer.cs:line 125
at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.Connection.ProcessIncoming() in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Networking/Connection.cs:line 347
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at Orleans.Serialization.Invocation.ResponseCompletionSource.GetResult(Int16 token) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/Invocation/ResponseCompletionSource.cs:line 90
at Orleans.Runtime.OutgoingCallInvoker`1.Invoke() in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Runtime/OutgoingCallInvoker.cs:line 117
at Orleans.Runtime.ActivityPropagationGrainCallFilter.Process(IGrainCallContext context, Activity activity) in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Diagnostics/ActivityPropagationGrainCallFilter.cs:line 75
at Orleans.Runtime.OutgoingCallInvoker`1.Invoke() in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Runtime/OutgoingCallInvoker.cs:line 88
at Orleans.Runtime.GrainReferenceRuntime.InvokeMethodWithFiltersAsync[TResult](GrainReference reference, IInvokable request, InvokeMethodOptions options) in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Runtime/GrainReferenceRuntime.cs:line 74
at Insights.Telemetry.SiloExtensions.TelemetrySiloExtensions.<>c.<<MapTelemetryRoutes>b__3_7>d.MoveNext() in /app/src/Telemetry/Insights.Telemetry.SiloExtensions/TelemetrySiloExtensions.cs:line 250
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestDelegateFactory.ExecuteTaskResult[T](Task`1 task, HttpContext httpContext)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware.<Invoke>g__AwaitRequestTask|6_0(Endpoint endpoint, Task requestTask, ILogger logger)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization.AuthorizationMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AuthenticationMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.ExceptionHandlerMiddlewareImpl.<Invoke>g__Awaited|8_0(ExceptionHandlerMiddlewareImpl middleware, HttpContext context, Task task)
Is the grain interface available on all hosts, @JCKortlang? That is a requirement today but it is a restriction which we are working on lifting, so that these kinds of errors will not occur in future.
@ReubenBond it "should" be. We are deploying the latest container image across [1..n] containers.
Based on the AWS ECS logs, the most recent version of the image was deployed across all containers prior to the error. The issue was not reproducible when running the silo locally.
Note that I re-deployed the same code without changes and was unable to reproduce.
Sorry, this is my fault for misreading. You are performing a rolling upgrade and are also modifying a grain interface method, which has changed is identity. If the method is still compatible, i.e, old versions of the code can ignore the new parameters, then you can specify the method id explicitly by applying the [Alias("MyMethodName")]
attribute to it as I mentioned previously in this comment. I would recommend applying [Alias("x")]
to all methods in general, since it reduces the chance for suprizes if you refactor type names and method signatures later. We should consider a best practices analyzer+codefix which automates this, similar to the [Id(x)]
analyzer+codefix. EDIT: opened an issue here: https://github.com/dotnet/orleans/issues/8345
If the new method is not semantically equivalent to the old one (the new arguments cannot be safely ignored during the upgrade), then you should use Grain interface versioning to denote a breaking change. In this case, and in the case where you are adding a new method to the interface, you can use a two-phase upgrade: add the interface method in one deployment without using it anywhere, and then start using the method in a subsequent deployment.
I hope that helps to clarify things. We are still looking to improve the experience here for the next release.
I haven't had time to look this up for myself but:
I'm running into this issue too. But only on 1 of the 3 replicas that my silo container is deployed to. Is there some kind of cache or short-term memory that is hanging onto these type definitions which can be deleted before a redeploy? This makes it challenging while just trying to develop a first release of an application.
There's also an issue that Orleans doesn't allow breaking changes even with VersionAttribute
like the quote above, especially with rolling updates, it just throws an exception if any of those signatures mismatches.
Preventing devs from making mistakes is a great idea, yet we really have to do something with this kind of runtime exception since we can't test it until it goes into production.
migration from 7.2.3 to 8.0.0-rc2 I got the same exception:
Exception reading message Request [ sys.client/adf9fef2141c4881b1d4b8d5970cb3cb]->[S10.0.8.184:30000:0 sys.svc.manifest/] #302529 from remote endpoint to local endpoint
System.TypeLoadException: Unable to resolve type alias "("inv",[Orleans.Runtime.GrainReference],[Orleans.Runtime.IClusterManifestSystemTarget,Orleans.Core],"4EFCA109")".
at Orleans.Serialization.TypeSystem.TypeConverter.ResolveCompoundAliasType[TState](TupleTypeSpec input, TState& state) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/TypeSystem/TypeConverter.cs:line 545
at Orleans.Serialization.TypeSystem.RuntimeTypeNameRewriter.TypeRewriter`1.HandleCompoundType(TupleTypeSpec type, String assemblyName) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/TypeSystem/RuntimeTypeNameRewriter.cs:line 223
at Orleans.Serialization.TypeSystem.RuntimeTypeNameRewriter.TypeRewriter`1.ApplyInner(TypeSpec input, String assemblyName) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/TypeSystem/RuntimeTypeNameRewriter.cs:line 77
at Orleans.Serialization.TypeSystem.TypeConverter.ParseInternal(TypeSpec parsed, Type& type) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/TypeSystem/TypeConverter.cs:line 345
at Orleans.Serialization.TypeSystem.TypeCodec.TryRead[TInput](Reader`1& reader) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/TypeSystem/TypeCodec.cs:line 72
at Orleans.Serialization.Codecs.FieldHeaderCodec.ReadType[TInput](Reader`1& reader, SchemaType schemaType) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/Codecs/FieldHeaderCodec.cs:line 187
at Orleans.Serialization.Codecs.FieldHeaderCodec.ReadExtendedFieldHeader[TInput](Reader`1& reader, Field& field) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/Codecs/FieldHeaderCodec.cs:line 169
at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.MessageSerializer.ReadBodyObject[TInput](Message message, Reader`1& reader) in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Messaging/MessageSerializer.cs:line 130
at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.MessageSerializer.TryRead(ReadOnlySequence`1& input, Message& message) in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Messaging/MessageSerializer.cs:line 126
at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.Connection.ProcessIncoming() in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Networking/Connection.cs:line 349
migration from 7.2.3 to 8.0.0-rc2 I got the same exception:
Exception reading message Request [ sys.client/adf9fef2141c4881b1d4b8d5970cb3cb]->[S10.0.8.184:30000:0 sys.svc.manifest/] #302529 from remote endpoint to local endpoint System.TypeLoadException: Unable to resolve type alias "("inv",[Orleans.Runtime.GrainReference],[Orleans.Runtime.IClusterManifestSystemTarget,Orleans.Core],"4EFCA109")". at Orleans.Serialization.TypeSystem.TypeConverter.ResolveCompoundAliasType[TState](TupleTypeSpec input, TState& state) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/TypeSystem/TypeConverter.cs:line 545 at Orleans.Serialization.TypeSystem.RuntimeTypeNameRewriter.TypeRewriter`1.HandleCompoundType(TupleTypeSpec type, String assemblyName) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/TypeSystem/RuntimeTypeNameRewriter.cs:line 223 at Orleans.Serialization.TypeSystem.RuntimeTypeNameRewriter.TypeRewriter`1.ApplyInner(TypeSpec input, String assemblyName) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/TypeSystem/RuntimeTypeNameRewriter.cs:line 77 at Orleans.Serialization.TypeSystem.TypeConverter.ParseInternal(TypeSpec parsed, Type& type) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/TypeSystem/TypeConverter.cs:line 345 at Orleans.Serialization.TypeSystem.TypeCodec.TryRead[TInput](Reader`1& reader) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/TypeSystem/TypeCodec.cs:line 72 at Orleans.Serialization.Codecs.FieldHeaderCodec.ReadType[TInput](Reader`1& reader, SchemaType schemaType) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/Codecs/FieldHeaderCodec.cs:line 187 at Orleans.Serialization.Codecs.FieldHeaderCodec.ReadExtendedFieldHeader[TInput](Reader`1& reader, Field& field) in /_/src/Orleans.Serialization/Codecs/FieldHeaderCodec.cs:line 169 at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.MessageSerializer.ReadBodyObject[TInput](Message message, Reader`1& reader) in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Messaging/MessageSerializer.cs:line 130 at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.MessageSerializer.TryRead(ReadOnlySequence`1& input, Message& message) in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Messaging/MessageSerializer.cs:line 126 at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.Connection.ProcessIncoming() in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Networking/Connection.cs:line 349
It was my mistake that I didn't update the client to 8.0.0-rc2, after update everything seems to be fine again.
Thank you for confirming, @sc-starman