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Silos no longer stable after upgrading to v3.6.2

Open DocIT-Official opened this issue 2 years ago • 23 comments


Been running Orleans in our production SAAS platform for a few years now, we have 8 silo's however 4 out of 8 are the same docker container just some different labels in AKS deployment to load different grain assemblies. the reason for this is that we have real-time OCR processing and that we want that work to run in their own PODS. this has been working with great success for over 2 years. however we upgrade all our nuget packages to v3.6.2 and now we are getting hundreds of pod restarts because pods stop responding to heartbeat while processing work which is causing work to be aborted, I'm looking for some guidance as this behavior is only observed once deployed to AKS, all our integration tests pass and nothing is showing up in insights to make us believe there any unhandled exceptions

DocIT-Official avatar Sep 12 '22 18:09 DocIT-Official

Which version of Orleans were you using prior to 3.6.2?

ReubenBond avatar Sep 12 '22 20:09 ReubenBond


DocIT-Official avatar Sep 12 '22 20:09 DocIT-Official

Did you update any packages other than Orleans in the transition?

ReubenBond avatar Sep 12 '22 20:09 ReubenBond

Just our own internal nugets and anything that caused package downgrades.

DocIT-Official avatar Sep 12 '22 21:09 DocIT-Official

I wonder what is causing this.

Do you see log messages complaining of long delays?

You might see improved stability by enabling these two options:

siloBuilder.Configure<ClusterMembershipOptions>(options =>
  options.ExtendProbeTimeoutDuringDegradation = true;
  options.EnableIndirectProbes = true;

ReubenBond avatar Sep 12 '22 21:09 ReubenBond

All I see in the log a few seconds after the grain starts processing work, which than as we know will cause eviction which in turn kubernetes will destroy the pod

Orleans.Networking.Shared.SocketConnectionException Unable to connect to Error: ConnectionRefused

Orleans.Runtime.OrleansMessageRejectionException Exception while sending message: Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.ConnectionFailedException: Unable to connect to endpoint S10.4.16.20:30101:400713975. See InnerException ---> Orleans.Networking.Shared.SocketConnectionException: Unable to connect to Error: ConnectionRefused at Orleans.Networking.Shared.SocketConnectionFactory.ConnectAsync(EndPoint endpoint, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in //src/Orleans.Core/Networking/Shared/SocketConnectionFactory.cs:line 52 at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.ConnectionFactory.ConnectAsync(SiloAddress address, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in //src/Orleans.Core/Networking/ConnectionFactory.cs:line 53 at Orleans.Internal.OrleansTaskExtentions.MakeCancellable[T](Task1 task, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.ConnectionManager.ConnectAsync(SiloAddress address) in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Networking/ConnectionManager.cs:line 262 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.ConnectionManager.ConnectAsync(SiloAddress address) in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Networking/ConnectionManager.cs:line 286 at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.ConnectionManager.GetConnectionAsync(SiloAddress endpoint) in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Networking/ConnectionManager.cs:line 139 at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.ConnectionManager.GetConnectionAsync(SiloAddress endpoint) in /_/src/Orleans.Core/Networking/ConnectionManager.cs:line 139 at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.OutboundMessageQueue.<SendMessage>g__SendAsync|10_0(ValueTask1 c, Message m) in //src/Orleans.Runtime/Messaging/OutboundMessageQueue.cs:line 123 at Orleans.Runtime.Messaging.OutboundMessageQueue.<SendMessage>g__SendAsync|10_0(ValueTask`1 c, Message m) in //src/Orleans.Runtime/Messaging/OutboundMessageQueue.cs:line 123

DocIT-Official avatar Sep 12 '22 21:09 DocIT-Official

Which version of .NET are you using? Is it .NET 6? If not, upgrading may help you in the event that you are indeed seeing crippling ThreadPool starvation. Also, what are the settings on your k8s pods: do you have CPU requests/limits set?

By the way, please do try the configuration above. We have since made it the default and will likely make it the default in 3.x at some point

ReubenBond avatar Sep 12 '22 21:09 ReubenBond

NET6 and NET6-Windows, I'll start posting our startup code and deployment code.

DocIT-Official avatar Sep 12 '22 21:09 DocIT-Official

You can surround your code blocks with three back ticks image

... code...

ReubenBond avatar Sep 12 '22 21:09 ReubenBond

Our silobuilder

         if (o.EnableCluster || o.EnableSilo)
                bool useKubeHosting = false;
                var clusterConfig = o.OrleansClusterConfiguration;
                webHostBuilder.UseOrleans(siloBuilder =>
                    if (o.EnableCluster && o.EnableDevelopmentCluster == false)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(KubernetesHostingOptions.PodNamespaceEnvironmentVariable)))
                            useKubeHosting = true;
                        switch (clusterConfig.ConnectionConfig.AdoNetConstant.ToLower())
                            case "system.data.sqlclient":
                                siloBuilder.UseAdoNetClustering(options =>
                                    options.Invariant = clusterConfig.ConnectionConfig.AdoNetConstant;
                                    options.ConnectionString = clusterConfig.ConnectionConfig.ConnectionString;
                                .UseAdoNetReminderService(options =>
                                    options.Invariant = clusterConfig.ReminderConfigs[0].AdoNetConstant;
                                    options.ConnectionString = clusterConfig.ReminderConfigs[0].ConnectionString;
                                .AddAdoNetGrainStorage(clusterConfig.StorageConfigs[0].Name, options =>
                                    options.Invariant = clusterConfig.StorageConfigs[0].AdoNetConstant;
                                    options.ConnectionString = clusterConfig.StorageConfigs[0].ConnectionString;

                            case "azurecosmostable":
                                siloBuilder.UseAzureStorageClustering(options =>
                                    options.ConnectionString = clusterConfig.ConnectionConfig.ConnectionString;
                                .UseAzureTableReminderService(options =>
                                    options.ConnectionString = clusterConfig.ReminderConfigs[0].ConnectionString;
                                .AddAzureTableGrainStorage(clusterConfig.StorageConfigs[0].Name, options =>
                                    options.ConnectionString = clusterConfig.StorageConfigs[0].ConnectionString;
                    else if(o.EnableDevelopmentCluster)
                        siloBuilder.UseDevelopmentClustering(options =>
                            var address =
                                clusterConfig.PrimarySiloAddress.Split(new[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            options.PrimarySiloEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(address[0]), Convert.ToInt32(address[1]));
                        .ConfigureLogging((hostingContext, logging) =>
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(telemetryKey))
                        .Configure<ClusterOptions>(options =>
                            if (!useKubeHosting)
                                options.ClusterId = clusterConfig.ClusterOptions.ClusterId;
                                options.ServiceId = GenerateServiceId(clusterConfig.ClusterOptions.ServiceId);

                    if (o.OrleansClusterConfiguration.EndPointOptions.AdvertisedIPAddress?.GetAddressBytes()?.Length > 0)
                        siloBuilder.ConfigureEndpoints(o.OrleansClusterConfiguration.EndPointOptions.AdvertisedIPAddress, GenerateSiloPortNumber(clusterConfig.EndPointOptions.SiloPort), GenerateGatewayPortNumber(clusterConfig.EndPointOptions.GatewayPort));
                        siloBuilder.ConfigureEndpoints(GenerateSiloPortNumber(clusterConfig.EndPointOptions.SiloPort), GenerateGatewayPortNumber(clusterConfig.EndPointOptions.GatewayPort));
                    if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT)
                    siloBuilder.Configure<ClusterMembershipOptions>(options =>
                        options.ExtendProbeTimeoutDuringDegradation = true;
                        options.EnableIndirectProbes = true;
                    siloBuilder.Configure<SiloMessagingOptions>(options =>
                            options.ResponseTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
                            options.SystemResponseTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
                    if (o.GrainAssemblies != null)

                    siloBuilder.Configure<SerializationProviderOptions>(options =>
                    if (o.OrleansClusterConfiguration?.EnableDashboard == true)
                        siloBuilder.UseDashboard(o =>
                            o.HostSelf = false;
                            o.HideTrace = true;

DocIT-Official avatar Sep 12 '22 21:09 DocIT-Official


    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
        name: abc
            app: abc
        replicas: 1
                app: abc
                    app: abc
                    orleans/clusterId: $(ClusterId)
                    orleans/serviceId: Document
                    orleans/clusterRole: Document
                    cloudregion: $(CloudRegion)
                    - name: firmclusteragent
                      image: xxx.azurecr.io/xxxx:$(Build.BuildNumber)
                        - name: silo
                          containerPort: $(GlobalSiloPort)
                          protocol: TCP
                        - name: gateway
                          containerPort: $(GlobalGatewayPort)
                          protocol: TCP
                      - name: ORLEANS_SERVICE_ID
                            fieldPath: metadata.labels['app']
                      - name: ClusterConfig__ClusterOptions__ServiceId
                            fieldPath: metadata.labels['app']
                      - name: ORLEANS_CLUSTER_ID
                            fieldPath: metadata.labels['orleans/clusterId']
                      - name: ClusterConfig__ClusterOptions__ClusterId
                            fieldPath: metadata.labels['orleans/clusterId']
                      - name: ClusterConfig__ClusterOptions__ServiceId
                            fieldPath: metadata.labels['orleans/serviceId']
                      - name: DocIT__ClusterRole
                            fieldPath: metadata.labels['orleans/clusterRole']
                      - name: DocIT__CloudRegionCode
                            fieldPath: metadata.labels['cloudregion']
                      - name: POD_NAMESPACE
                            fieldPath: metadata.namespace
                      - name: POD_NAME
                            fieldPath: metadata.name
                      - name: POD_IP
                            fieldPath: status.podIP
                      - name: DOTNET_SHUTDOWNTIMEOUTSECONDS
                        value: "120"
                terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 180
                  beta.kubernetes.io/os: windows

DocIT-Official avatar Sep 12 '22 22:09 DocIT-Official

You said you have multiple silo processes in each container, but you're also using the Kubernetes hosting package, is that right? I wonder how that should work - it's not the scenario that package is designed for (which is one silo per pod)

ReubenBond avatar Sep 12 '22 22:09 ReubenBond

These timeout lengths are concerning. What prompted such long timeouts?

siloBuilder.Configure<SiloMessagingOptions>(options =>
  options.ResponseTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
  options.SystemResponseTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);

I don't suppose you're able to profile & share traces of your pods while they are running, eg by collecting traces using dotnet-trace

ReubenBond avatar Sep 12 '22 22:09 ReubenBond

I just added Kubernetes hosting package to see if would help, right now I'm pulling straws because this behavior has come out of nowhere and we can't roll back the changes back to a previous container as this update required backend database changes. that said let me explain our setup a little clearer.

Our product is designed to run client managed hardware as Windows Services or in AKS. therefore we manipulate startup and load in Grain Assemblies based on configuration

                    if (o.GrainAssemblies != null)
                        o.GrainAssemblies.BindConfiguration(config); //pass in IConfiguration


with this in-place we can deploy a single .exe to our client which will load all the grains in all assemblies or in AKS we can take the same container and split work across 3 deployments.

DocIT-Official avatar Sep 12 '22 22:09 DocIT-Official

I'm not seeing anything in the diff between 3.5.0 and 3.6.2 which might have caused this. Please try the aforementioned configuration parameters as an attempt to prevent this and give you some respite while we work together to investigate the root cause (which is most likely caused by some kind of thread pool starvation, if I were to guess, but we cannot conclude that without seeing CPU profiling traces or log messages).

Please also remove the Kubernetes integration for now, since it's not suitable for this use case.

ReubenBond avatar Sep 12 '22 22:09 ReubenBond

These timeout lengths are concerning. What prompted such long timeouts?

siloBuilder.Configure<SiloMessagingOptions>(options =>
  options.ResponseTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
  options.SystemResponseTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);

I don't suppose you're able to profile & share traces of your pods while they are running, eg by collecting traces using dotnet-trace

we have a function that aggregates up 10's of thousands of documents (pdf, word, excel etc..) and combines than into a single document. when we rolled out this feature and our clients started using it. we started noticing message response timeouts as some of these jobs would take 20-30 minutes. extending the timeout resolved that issue. we have since moved on and implemented Orleans.SyncWorkers so we could perhaps bring the timeouts back down.

DocIT-Official avatar Sep 12 '22 22:09 DocIT-Official

we have since moved on and implemented Orleans.SyncWorkers so we could perhaps bring the timeouts back down.

Great! By the way, what timezone are you in and would you prefer to diagnose this on a call?

ReubenBond avatar Sep 12 '22 22:09 ReubenBond

I'm not seeing anything in the diff between 3.5.0 and 3.6.2 which might have caused this. Please try the aforementioned configuration parameters as an attempt to prevent this and give you some respite while we work together to investigate the root cause (which is most likely caused by some kind of thread pool starvation, if I were to guess, but we cannot conclude that without seeing CPU profiling traces or log messages).

Please also remove the Kubernetes integration for now, since it's not suitable for this use case.

I'll remove the Kubernetes integration.

DocIT-Official avatar Sep 12 '22 22:09 DocIT-Official

we have since moved on and implemented Orleans.SyncWorkers so we could perhaps bring the timeouts back down.

Great! By the way, what timezone are you in and would you prefer to diagnose this on a call?

eastern timezone, I can send a team meeting

DocIT-Official avatar Sep 12 '22 22:09 DocIT-Official

we have since moved on and implemented Orleans.SyncWorkers so we could perhaps bring the timeouts back down.

Great! By the way, what timezone are you in and would you prefer to diagnose this on a call?

what's the best way for me to send you a teams meeting request? I really appreciate you lending a helping hand.

DocIT-Official avatar Sep 12 '22 23:09 DocIT-Official

rebond is my alias microsoft.com is the domain

ReubenBond avatar Sep 13 '22 02:09 ReubenBond

rebond is my alias microsoft.com is the domain

invite sent, I hope it works for you

DocIT-Official avatar Sep 13 '22 02:09 DocIT-Official

@DocIT-Official let's try again when you're available

ReubenBond avatar Sep 15 '22 18:09 ReubenBond

Hello, we started to have this problem since we migrated from 3.5.0 to 3.6.2 : https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/72365 at first, as we migrated to arm64 at the same time, we suspected an arm issue, but it might be worth looking both issues together as symptoms are quite similar

NQ-Brewir avatar Oct 26 '22 15:10 NQ-Brewir