metadata-tools icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
metadata-tools copied to clipboard

Contains tools for metadata, such as Roslyn's metadata visualizer.

Results 4 metadata-tools issues
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This pull request updates the following dependencies [marker]: (Begin:44668a86-daff-4b86-c38b-08d8e9750d9d) ## From - **Subscription**: 44668a86-daff-4b86-c38b-08d8e9750d9d - **Build**: - **Date Produced**: March 22, 2024 10:55:44 PM UTC - **Commit**: c936d1bc358744730613d8ce54bc3e0294e5ea56 -...

Currently `mdv` only prints metadata and debug directory. Although there are other tools that dump PE headers, it'd be good to have all in one tool. This would be useful...