maui-samples copied to clipboard
RestApi under Android dont work
It just stops at "ClientResponse"
i tested it with your Demo "TodoRest" and "TodoApi", so there are just no implementation for Android.
If i run my Maui project in Windows machine = works perfectly but if i run Maui project on a Android Device = Code quit at ClientResponse and forward other code.
This is one of the important settings, why someone discard it? Mobile App without SSL/TLS Settings? Who decide this?
Code that works on MAUI with Windows machine but not with Android:
RestClient restClient = new RestClient();
RestRequest restRequest = new RestRequest(GetUrl);
RestResponse restResponse = restClient.Get(restRequest);
using (DataTable dt = (DataTable)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(restResponse.Content, (typeof(DataTable))))
CultureInfo german = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
firmen = (from DataRow row in dt.Rows
select new FirmenKunden()
Id_Terminliste = row["id_Terminliste"].ToString(),
Id_Firma = row["id_Firma"].ToString(),
Termin = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Termin"]).ToString("ddd'. 'dd'.'MM'.'yyyy' 'HH:mm", german),
TerminTagZahl = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Termin"]).ToString("dd"),
TerminUnFormatted = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Termin"]),
ServiceSafe = row["ServiceSafe"].ToString(),
Beschreibung = row["Beschreibung"].ToString(),
ServiceNr = row["ServiceNr"].ToString(),
MassnahmenNr = row["MassnahmenNr"].ToString(),
Servicestand = row["Servicestand"].ToString(),
Firma = row["Firma"].ToString(),
Strasse = row["Strasse"].ToString(),
Postleitzahl = row["Postleitzahl"].ToString(),
Ort = row["Stadt"].ToString(),
Vertragsbeginn = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Vertragsbeginn"]).ToString("ddd'. 'dd'.'MM'.'yyyy", german),
Vertragsende = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Vertragsende"]).ToString("ddd'. 'dd'.'MM'.'yyyy", german)