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AutoML ExperimentResult plain TrainerName instead of "ReplaceMissingValues=>OneHotHashEncoding=>Concatenate=>Unknown=>SdcaMaximumEntropyMulti=>Unknown"
System Information (please complete the following information):
- OS & Version: Windows 11
- ML.NET Version: 0.20
- .NET Version: .NET 6.0
Describe the bug Result of Microsoft.ML.AutoML.MulticlassClassificationExperiment public override ExperimentResult<MulticlassClassificationMetrics> Execute(IDataView trainData, string labelColumnName = "Label", string samplingKeyColumn = null, IEstimator<ITransformer> preFeaturizer = null, IProgress<RunDetail<MulticlassClassificationMetrics>> progressHandler = null)
Expected behavior Trainer name should be used trainer name not this "concatated long value"
Screenshots, Code, Sample Projects
Previous valid (0.17)
New version (0.20)
We also have similar feedback on having a seperate property that hold trainer name only. Would adding an extra TrainerName
in TrialResult which held algo name be enough?
No matter what just need easy accesible algo name to describe results in returned ExperimentResults. Another property with plain algo name should be enough
I am having the same issue. Microsoft.ML version 3.0.0 Microsoft.Auto.ML version 0.21.0
I also have the same issue.
.NET 8.0. AutoML 0.21.1 Microsoft.ML version 3.0.1