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Question: Can i format all .csproj files?
I'm looking for something that can format all .csproj files - is that something that this tool can do, and if so - what would the command look like?
Hi @sommmen, Unfortunately, we do not currently support formatting .csproj files. We have an open feature request ( to add this support. What type of formatting options are you expecting (tabs vs. spaces, charset, consistent indentation, ...)?
@JoeRobich Hiya - thanks for answering my question.
The issue i'm having right now is that i used PowerShell to bulk edit .csproj files to make sure the RootNameSpaceName and AssemblyName elements were consistently prefixed with a shortname of the company, eg:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
As you can see from the resulting xml - that doesn't look too good. Also it means that i get a lot of changed files. I gave up on getting the output to format correctly in PowerShell so i moved to look for some kind of tool.
In a more broader sense, for me, i'd like the format tool to format the .csproj the same way visual studio does to remain consistent. I gues in my mind the identation is the most important.
EDIT: This SO describes my issue somewhat
Please include XML, XSD files to this request
We have this configuration in .editorconfig but its not auto formatted [*.{xml,xsd}] max_line_length = off end_of_line = lf indent_style = space charset = utf-8 trim_trailing_whitespace = true insert_final_newline = true indent_size = 2
@JoeRobich It is silly but the IDE of a coworker of mine inserts package references like so:
<PackageReference Include="MassTransit" Version="8.0.7" />
and my IDE (vs) does it like so:
<PackageReference Include="MassTransit" Version="8.0.7"/>
If you notice there is a whitespace after the last attribute, it always causes conflict when merging.
Rider has the option to control this whitespace and can be added to .editorconfig but only rider respects it, vs & vs code doesn't. So it would be great if dotnet format
could enforce that.