efcore copied to clipboard
Windows Defender scans (downloaded) EF Bundle as a Trojan
File a bug
I was troubleshooting why EF Bundle did not deploy in one of my teams's Azure DevOps pipelines and thought to quickly download the build artifact to see if it was a Azure DevOps issue or a bundle file issue.
After downloading (both as exe and extracting as zipped root folder), I got a notification from Windows Defender.
Since building local does work, this issue is certainly not critical but I find it very interesting and worth some research.
Include your code
Build agent image:
vmImage: 'windows-latest'
Bundle task in build pipeline
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
displayName: 'Install Dotnet EF Tool'
command: custom
custom: "tool"
arguments: "install --global dotnet-ef"
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
displayName: EFBundle
command: custom
custom: 'ef '
arguments: 'migrations bundle --self-contained --project "src/Infrastructure/Infrastructure.csproj" --startup-project "src/Api/Api.csproj" -r win-x64 -o $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/SQL/Bundle.exe --verbose'
Experiencing this as well right now.
Running dotnet ef migrations bundle
on my local Win11 machine triggers Windows Defender.
I'm using:
- .NET 8 SDK: 8.0.204
- EF CLI Tools: 8.0.4
Any mitigation advice would be greatly appreciated 😀
The workaround is to add the output folder to exclusion list for Windows Defender