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Include windows installation instructions for dotnet CLI through PowerShell
There is probably a reason for not doing this. so, I wanted to open this issue rather than sending a PR. It would be really good to include how to install dotnet CLI through PowerShell (just like dnvm
). For example, I used the below script which did the trick except for adding it to my PATH (copy from aspnet/Home repo):
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "&{$Branch='dev';$wc=New-Object System.Net.WebClient;$wc.Proxy=[System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy;$wc.Proxy.Credentials=[System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials;Invoke-Expression ($wc.DownloadString(''))}"
obviously dependencies could be the main reason.
You can at least shrink that to. Might be a better way, I don't know
iex (iwr
@tugberkugurlu not a bad idea. I'm generally rewamping the getting started experience slightly, so will include this as well.
I would like to contribute..
@parthpandyappp I believe this repository is not used for anything anymore. If you would like to contribute to .Net, there are many other repositories out there. If you're specifically interested in contributing to documentation, I think the right repository to start is dotnet/docs.