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CommunityToolkit.Mvvm partial methods and IDE0060
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Hello, I'm using the CommunityToolkit.Mvvm Version="8.0.0" and pretty often I take advantage of the partial methods created: EXAMPLE: [ObservableProperty] private int _startAgeFilter;
then I use: partial void OnStartAgeFilterChanged(int value) { Filter(); }
I get the warning since the value parameter is not used, but I can't remove it otherwise I get a compile-time error (No defining declaration).
Regards Roberto
Document Details
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- ID: 029ba69a-6673-836c-c69e-0105061904ea
- Version Independent ID: fc793abc-cd23-d6c5-2915-89ef59ca6d41
- Content: IDE0060: Remove unused parameter - .NET
- Content Source: docs/fundamentals/code-analysis/style-rules/
- Product: dotnet-fundamentals
- GitHub Login: @gewarren
- Microsoft Alias: gewarren