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Error retrieving the current token in a Blazor application after successful authentication in Azure B2C with Msal
This issue has been moved from a ticket on Developer Community.
I have created a Blazor application and I use Msal to do authentication following the examples from Azure B2C. With my B2C configuration in the server, I can successfully login, I get the User, the claims and I can call the api. I would need to have access to the token during development to be able to use that token to call my api services directly using swagger. So during Debugging I wanted to print the token on screen to copy and paste.
However, when I try to get the token in the Client after successful login, I get an Exception:
An exception occurred executing JS interop: The JSON value could not be converted to System.DateTimeOffset. Path: $.token.expires
This is a very confusing exception and doesn't seem to explain the type of error that is occurring. It seems that is not doing any validation during the parsing or pre-parsing. So not sure why this is happening.
More details:
I initialise with this:
builder. Services.AddMsalAuthentication(options =>
builder. Configuration.Bind("AzureAdB2C", options. ProviderOptions.Authentication);
//options. ProviderOptions.DefaultAccessTokenScopes.Add("02200220-20202-2020-2020-202020200202002"); // I tried to put the application Id a per documentation and it doesn't work
options. ProviderOptions.DefaultAccessTokenScopes.Add("openid");
options. ProviderOptions.DefaultAccessTokenScopes.Add("offline_access");
// request scope to access the API
options. ProviderOptions.AdditionalScopesToConsent.Add("");
options. ProviderOptions.LoginMode = "redirect";
I also use a custom AuthorizationMessageHandler to be able to call the api, which works well.
However, when in my code I call the code to retrieve the Token, I get the exception + one unhandled exception:
public IAccessTokenProvider TokenProvider { get; set; }
var accessTokenResult = await TokenProvider.RequestAccessToken(); // <-- This throws exception
And additionally there is an unhandled exception:
Unhandled Exception:
System.Text.Json.JsonException: Invalid JSON
at Microsoft.JSInterop.Infrastructure.DotNetDispatcher.EndInvokeJS(JSRuntime jsRuntime, String arguments)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Services.DefaultWebAssemblyJSRuntime.<>c.<EndInvokeJS> b__7_0(String argsJson)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Hosting.WebAssemblyCallQueue.Schedule[String](String state, Action`1 callback)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Services.DefaultWebAssemblyJSRuntime.EndInvokeJS(String argsJson)
Uncaught Error: System.Text.Json.JsonException: Invalid JSONThe thread 0x1b444 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
I have tried in B2C to set the configuration, and I'm able to run the SignIn flow redirecting to passing the token and decoding it.
! [image.png] (
And I get the token decoded when redirecting directly to
! [image.png] (
Original Comments
Feedback Bot on 11/12/2021, 00:15 AM:
We have directed your feedback to the appropriate engineering team for further evaluation. The team will review the feedback and notify you about the next steps.
Original Solutions
(no solutions)
Thanks for contacting us. This is already fixed as part of #38962 /
Please note, the fix for this issue should be available in the 6.0.2 patch release.
Any estimates on this? I've got this installed 6.0.200-preview.21617.4 and still not working
The fix for the underlying System.Text.Json.JsonException: Invalid JSON
exception was backported through
@rmencia-isv could you please try this out using the latest installer available at Please let us know if you're still having the issue with that, and please provide the exact version of the dotnet sdk being used, along side the exact exception message you're getting.
I have installed the latest versionfrom the url you provided (dotnet-sdk-6.0.200-preview.22068.4-win-x64.exe) and I still get the same error in Blazor wasm client app.
Checking the list I have this one installed (6.0.200-preview.22068.4) However, by looking at the call stack I see references to Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=*
The error Message: An exception occurred executing JS interop: The JSON value could not be converted to System.DateTimeOffset. Path: $.token.expires | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 73.. See InnerException for more details.
at System.Text.Json.ThrowHelper.ReThrowWithPath(ReadStack& state, Utf8JsonReader& reader, Exception ex)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.InternalAccessTokenResult, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].ReadCore(Utf8JsonReader& reader, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state) at System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter
1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.InternalAccessTokenResult, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].ReadCoreAsObject(Utf8JsonReader& reader, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state)
at System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.ReadCore[Object](JsonConverter jsonConverter, Utf8JsonReader& reader, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state)
at System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Read[Object](Utf8JsonReader& reader, JsonTypeInfo jsonTypeInfo)
at System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize(Utf8JsonReader& reader, Type returnType, JsonSerializerOptions options)
at Microsoft.JSInterop.JSRuntime.EndInvokeJS(Int64 taskId, Boolean succeeded, Utf8JsonReader& jsonReader)'
by looking at the call stack I see references to Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=*
Ah that's definitely a bit strange. Could you please double check your csproj files to ensure you don't have any hardcoded versions which may be causing this issue? Also, if you could try adding the following to your nuget config:
<add key="dotnet6" value="" />
Further details here.
This is what I have in the project file. I also added the nuget in VS to get the packages from that place and no new updates available, even pre-release for any of those packages.
Hey @rmencia-isv, I took a look at the feeds and you're right the 6.0.2 (prerelease) packages aren't up yet. You can either try waiting for the official 6.0.2 release (mid February), or try the 7.0 alpha packages (not sure if they'll be updated yet though).
Thanks Tanay for getting back to me. It's unfortunate that the packages are not uploaded yet, as I've seen a number of issues fixed. I'll probably wait for the release next month, if the pre release packages are not updated.
Hi, @TanayParikh ,
I'm facing the same issue. Unfortunately I cannot wit until mid February. Is there any chance to test the 6.0.2 (prerelease) you mentioned.
This is definitively not present on the repo you suggested...
Hello @kbeaugrand, to test out the pre-release you can try using the nightly SDK & packages as above, or by using the 7.0 alpha/beta packages.
SDK Download: (ensure you get the 6.0.2 or 7 alpha/beta SDK)
Add to your Nuget config:
<add key="dotnet6" value="" />
Further details here.
I also am having the exact same issue with B2C and Blazor WASM. Hope they release the fix soon. I'm hesitant to install preview builds.
Hi @TanayParikh,
Do you have a more precise date for the release of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication v6.0.2 ?
Thank you.
Hi @TanayParikh,
Do you have a more precise date for the release of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication v6.0.2 ?
Thank you.
It was just released earlier today!
Hi @TanayParikh, Do you have a more precise date for the release of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication v6.0.2 ? Thank you.
It was just released earlier today!
Thank you for your answer. I checked it, but unfortunately I'm still facing the issue... ;(
unfortunately I'm still facing the issue
To confirm you've updated the SDK/.csproj to utilize the new 6.0.2 packages, correct? What exact error message are you seeing?
Can you please provide a minimal, public, github repro which reproduces this issue?
unfortunately I'm still facing the issue
To confirm you've updated the SDK/.csproj to utilize the new 6.0.2 packages, correct? What exact error message are you seeing?
Can you please provide a minimal, public, github repro which reproduces this issue?
Yes I confirm that I updated my package to 6.0.2 ( I'm using OpenID connect.
You can find a public repos (not minimal) with my configuration here:
For the code sample, that is relevant, you can find at client Program.cs file the executed configuration:
The error message obtained is:
crit: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Rendering.WebAssemblyRenderer[100]
Unhandled exception rendering component: An exception occurred executing JS interop: The JSON value could not be converted to System.DateTimeOffset. Path: $.token.expires | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 170.. See InnerException for more details.
Microsoft.JSInterop.JSException: An exception occurred executing JS interop: The JSON value could not be converted to System.DateTimeOffset. Path: $.token.expires | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 170.. See InnerException for more details.
---> System.Text.Json.JsonException: The JSON value could not be converted to System.DateTimeOffset. Path: $.token.expires | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 170.
---> System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot get the value of a token type 'Null' as a string.
at System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader.TryGetDateTimeOffset(DateTimeOffset& value)
at System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader.GetDateTimeOffset()
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.Converters.DateTimeOffsetConverter.Read(Utf8JsonReader& reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.Metadata.JsonPropertyInfo`1[[System.DateTimeOffset, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].ReadJsonAndSetMember(Object obj, ReadStack& state, Utf8JsonReader& reader)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.Converters.ObjectDefaultConverter`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.AccessToken, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].OnTryRead(Utf8JsonReader& reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state, AccessToken& value)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.AccessToken, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].TryRead(Utf8JsonReader& reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state, AccessToken& value)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.Metadata.JsonPropertyInfo`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.AccessToken, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].ReadJsonAndSetMember(Object obj, ReadStack& state, Utf8JsonReader& reader)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.Converters.ObjectDefaultConverter`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.InternalAccessTokenResult, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].OnTryRead(Utf8JsonReader& reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state, InternalAccessTokenResult& value)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.InternalAccessTokenResult, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].TryRead(Utf8JsonReader& reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state, InternalAccessTokenResult& value)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.InternalAccessTokenResult, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].ReadCore(Utf8JsonReader& reader, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Text.Json.ThrowHelper.ReThrowWithPath(ReadStack& state, Utf8JsonReader& reader, Exception ex)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.InternalAccessTokenResult, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].ReadCore(Utf8JsonReader& reader, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.InternalAccessTokenResult, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].ReadCoreAsObject(Utf8JsonReader& reader, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state)
at System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.ReadCore[Object](JsonConverter jsonConverter, Utf8JsonReader& reader, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state)
at System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Read[Object](Utf8JsonReader& reader, JsonTypeInfo jsonTypeInfo)
at System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize(Utf8JsonReader& reader, Type returnType, JsonSerializerOptions options)
at Microsoft.JSInterop.JSRuntime.EndInvokeJS(Int64 taskId, Boolean succeeded, Utf8JsonReader& jsonReader)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.JSInterop.JSRuntime.<InvokeAsync>d__16`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.InternalAccessTokenResult, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].MoveNext()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.RemoteAuthenticationService`3.<RequestAccessToken>d__22[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.RemoteAuthenticationState, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60],[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.RemoteUserAccount, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60],[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.OidcProviderOptions, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].MoveNext()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.AuthorizationMessageHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Logging.LoggingScopeHttpMessageHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.<SendAsync>g__Core|83_0(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpCompletionOption completionOption, CancellationTokenSource cts, Boolean disposeCts, CancellationTokenSource pendingRequestsCts, CancellationToken originalCancellationToken)
at System.Net.Http.Json.HttpClientJsonExtensions.<GetFromJsonAsyncCore>d__13`1[[AzureIoTHub.Portal.Shared.Models.Device.DeviceListItem[], AzureIoTHub.Portal.Shared, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].MoveNext()
at AzureIoTHub.Portal.Client.Pages.Devices.DeviceListPage.LoadDevices() in C:\Users\beaugrandk\Source\Repos\CGI-FR\IoT-Hub-Portal\src\AzureIoTHub.Portal\Client\Pages\Devices\DeviceListPage.razor:line 179
at AzureIoTHub.Portal.Client.Pages.Devices.DeviceListPage.OnInitializedAsync() in C:\Users\beaugrandk\Source\Repos\CGI-FR\IoT-Hub-Portal\src\AzureIoTHub.Portal\Client\Pages\Devices\DeviceListPage.razor:line 163
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase.RunInitAndSetParametersAsync()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree.Renderer.GetErrorHandledTask(Task taskToHandle, ComponentState owningComponentState)
window.Module.s.printErr @ blazor.webassembly.js:1```
I may be able to reproduce the issue on a minimal project if needed.
I may be able to reproduce the issue on a minimal project if needed.
Yes please, that'd be much appreciated!
Thanks for the stack trace. I see the underlying System.Text.Json.JsonException: Invalid JSON
is resolved (via backported, but we still have the
Microsoft.JSInterop.JSException: An exception occurred executing JS interop: The JSON value could not be converted to System.DateTimeOffset. Path: $.token.expires | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 170.. See InnerException for more details.
---> System.Text.Json.JsonException: The JSON value could not be converted to System.DateTimeOffset. Path: $.token.expires | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 170.
---> System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot get the value of a token type 'Null' as a string.
error. Re-opening this issue.
I may be able to reproduce the issue on a minimal project if needed.
Yes please, that'd be much appreciated!
Thanks for the stack trace. I see the underlying
System.Text.Json.JsonException: Invalid JSON
is resolved (via backported #39075), but we still have theMicrosoft.JSInterop.JSException: An exception occurred executing JS interop: The JSON value could not be converted to System.DateTimeOffset. Path: $.token.expires | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 170.. See InnerException for more details. ---> System.Text.Json.JsonException: The JSON value could not be converted to System.DateTimeOffset. Path: $.token.expires | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 170. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot get the value of a token type 'Null' as a string.
error. Re-opening this issue.
I'll send you the sample app as soon I've pushed on a public repos.
I was so happy when I saw this should have been fixed.
Guess I will have to wait a little more with the auth implementation.
Hi @mkArtakMSFT @TanayParikh ,
I saw that nothing changed here (and I forget to push the sample repository).
This is available here
I'm using Okta identity provider, the settings are present at Program.cs#L16-21
This is available here
Hi @kbeaugrand, could you please confirm the Repo is still available and is public? I'm getting a 404 when I try to access that URL.

My bad, it was private. Now it should be ok
Thanks. Looks like it's an issue with the deserialization of the DateTimeOffset
of the AccessToken
which is a part of
which gets called here:
on the client side, this translates to:
which doesn't define AccessToken.Expires
, which may be why the deserialization is failing.
For the non-MSAL case:
on the client side, this translates to:
which gets the Expires
Based on this, does Expires
really need to be a DateTimeOffset
vs. DateTime
? cc/ @javiercn
Based on we may be dealing with non compliant DateTimeOffset
Attempting to read non-compliant formats with Utf8JsonReader will cause it to throw a FormatException:
// Unhandled exception. System.FormatException: The JSON value is not in a supported DateTime format.
@kbeaugrand can you please confirm what needs to be done to trigger the exception you're seeing, using the repro you provided? I just end up with an Okta 404 when I try to run your project.
After configuring the OIDC settings for your tenant, and launching the project with Visual Studio, go to https://localhost:7002/fetchdata, you will have the issue present on log from the broswser developper console.
As a sample, you can verify my id_token that wahs provided by okta:
Don't worry, this doesn't give access to anything.. ;)
Thanks. Looks like it's an issue with the deserialization of the
of theAccessToken
which is a part of
which gets called here:
on the client side, this translates to:
which doesn't define
, which may be why the deserialization is failing.For the non-MSAL case:
on the client side, this translates to:
which gets the
Based on this, does
really need to be aDateTimeOffset
? cc/ @javiercn
I think this doesn't comes from the deserialization of the access_token
In my configuration I only get the ID Token from the IDP. The issue occurs while getting the access token. at that time I have no network requests from the browser...
From the Blazor WASM when calling var tokenRequest = await TokenProvider.RequestAccessToken();
i get the following error:
crit: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Rendering.WebAssemblyRenderer[100]
Unhandled exception rendering component: An exception occurred executing JS interop: The JSON value could not be converted to System.DateTimeOffset. Path: $.token.expires | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 73.. See InnerException for more details.
Microsoft.JSInterop.JSException: An exception occurred executing JS interop: The JSON value could not be converted to System.DateTimeOffset. Path: $.token.expires | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 73.. See InnerException for more details.
---> System.Text.Json.JsonException: The JSON value could not be converted to System.DateTimeOffset. Path: $.token.expires | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 73.
---> System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot get the value of a token type 'Null' as a string.
at System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader.TryGetDateTimeOffset(DateTimeOffset& value)
at System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader.GetDateTimeOffset()
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.Converters.DateTimeOffsetConverter.Read(Utf8JsonReader& reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.Metadata.JsonPropertyInfo`1[[System.DateTimeOffset, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].ReadJsonAndSetMember(Object obj, ReadStack& state, Utf8JsonReader& reader)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.Converters.ObjectDefaultConverter`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.AccessToken, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].OnTryRead(Utf8JsonReader& reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state, AccessToken& value)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.AccessToken, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].TryRead(Utf8JsonReader& reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state, AccessToken& value)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.Metadata.JsonPropertyInfo`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.AccessToken, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].ReadJsonAndSetMember(Object obj, ReadStack& state, Utf8JsonReader& reader)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.Converters.ObjectDefaultConverter`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.InternalAccessTokenResult, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].OnTryRead(Utf8JsonReader& reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state, InternalAccessTokenResult& value)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.InternalAccessTokenResult, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].TryRead(Utf8JsonReader& reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state, InternalAccessTokenResult& value)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.InternalAccessTokenResult, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].ReadCore(Utf8JsonReader& reader, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Text.Json.ThrowHelper.ReThrowWithPath(ReadStack& state, Utf8JsonReader& reader, Exception ex)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.InternalAccessTokenResult, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].ReadCore(Utf8JsonReader& reader, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state)
at System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.InternalAccessTokenResult, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].ReadCoreAsObject(Utf8JsonReader& reader, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state)
at System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.ReadCore[Object](JsonConverter jsonConverter, Utf8JsonReader& reader, JsonSerializerOptions options, ReadStack& state)
at System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Read[Object](Utf8JsonReader& reader, JsonTypeInfo jsonTypeInfo)
at System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize(Utf8JsonReader& reader, Type returnType, JsonSerializerOptions options)
at Microsoft.JSInterop.JSRuntime.EndInvokeJS(Int64 taskId, Boolean succeeded, Utf8JsonReader& jsonReader)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.JSInterop.JSRuntime.<InvokeAsync>d__16`1[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.InternalAccessTokenResult, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].MoveNext()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.RemoteAuthenticationService`3.<RequestAccessToken>d__22[[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.RemoteAuthenticationState, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60],[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication.RemoteUserAccount, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60],[Microsoft.Authentication.WebAssembly.Msal.Models.MsalProviderOptions, Microsoft.Authentication.WebAssembly.Msal, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60]].MoveNext()
at BforBoat.Web.Pages.Profile.OnInitializedAsync() in C:\Projects\vsts\mikaelsyska\bforboat\src\BforBoat.Web\Pages\Profile.razor.cs:line 29
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase.RunInitAndSetParametersAsync()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree.Renderer.GetErrorHandledTask(Task taskToHandle, ComponentState owningComponentState)
( If, I can include the actual response from the IDP )
This is the response returned from Azure B2C ...