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WatsonTcp is the easiest way to build TCP-based clients and servers in C#.

Results 10 WatsonTcp issues
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Given a `byte[]` buffer, I'd like to send a portion of it - moreover, I'd like to use my own `Stream` instances which may be pooled and recycled. The `WatsonTcpClient.Send...

SendAsync runs until other peer reads the whole stream. This tends to be problematic, since, what if the other peer does not care about the whole stream? What to do...

I have figured that sending large streams just does not work when using async. For example, Client side: ``` case "sendlargeasync": Stream stream = GetStream(2000); success = client.SendAsync(stream.Length, stream).Result; Console.WriteLine(success);...

Dear @jchristn, please let me share an other idea with you that just came into my mind. I think it would be another very useful feature to ban IPs automatically...


Hi @jchristn! Thank you again for this great library! Could you tell me please the exact purpose of the pre-shared key? As I can see it is some kind of...


It'll be nice to be able to send a handshake message on connect, allowing the server to reject connection or send a HandshakeSucess message back


While debugging my project I noticed all my conversationGUIDs (for SyncRequests) were zeroed out. ``` Debug: [WatsonTcpClient] synchronous request sent: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug: [WatsonTcpServer] client [a37039c9-fd04-4307-9049-d88b22780704|] attempting to register GUID 1d758355-8ef9-4008-8f0b-34c6099e6459...

Hi @jchristn , I have a small problem that maybe has not been noticed, I have version 6.0.1 of the nuget WatsonTcp package currently in my project, I have noticed...

Hello, Thank you for your work on this library! It really reduces the drudgery involved with client/server com. Having a bit of an issue however with a client's TLS connection...

Hey! ```cs server.Start(); client.Connect(); Console.WriteLine(server.ListClients().Count()); await Task.Delay(1); // Thread.Sleep(1) also works Console.WriteLine(server.ListClients().Count()); ``` This will output: ``` 0 1 ``` This is very problematic as one might not expect `server.ListClients()`...

help wanted