ui copied to clipboard
Build failing (on master)
- clone
- execute
- Build fails with:
Paket failed with
-> Could not download WebSharper.CSharp
-> Couldn't get package details for package WebSharper.CSharp on https://nuget.intellifactory.com/nuget.
- 2_https://nuget.intellifactory.com/nuget/Packages?$filter=(Id eq 'WebSharper.CSharp') and (NormalizedVersion - 2_https://nuget.intellifactory.com/nuget/Packages?$filter=(tolower(Id) eq 'websharper.csharp') and (Normalize - 2_https://nuget.intellifactory.com/nuget/Packages?$filter=(Id eq 'WebSharper.CSharp') and (Version eq '4.2.2. - 2_https://nuget.intellifactory.com/nuget/Packages?$filter=(tolower(Id) eq 'websharper.csharp') and (Version e - 2_https://nuget.intellifactory.com/nuget/Packages?$filter=(tolower(Id) eq 'websharper.csharp') and (Version eq '')
Notable warnings:
environment variable '%IF_USER%' not found
environment variable '%IF_PASS%' not found
Source 'https://nuget.intellifactory.com/nuget' exception: System.Exception: error ---> System.Exception: Could not retrieve data from 'https://nuget.intellifactory.com/nuget/Packages?$filter=(Id eq 'WebSharper.CSharp') and (Version eq '')' ---> Paket.Utils+RequestFailedException: Request to 'https://nuget.intellifactory.com/nuget/Packages?$filter=(Id eq 'WebSharper.CSharp') and (Version eq '')' failed with: 'Unauthorized'
at [email protected](RequestFailedInfo _arg1)
at [email protected](a a)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at [email protected](Exception _arg4)
at [email protected](AsyncParams`1 args)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at [email protected](FSharpChoice`2 _arg5)
at [email protected](a a)
Source 'https://nuget.intellifactory.com/nuget' exception: System.Exception: error ---> System.Exception: Could not retrieve data from 'https://nuget.intellifactory.com/nuget/Packages?$filter=(tolower(Id) eq 'websharper.fsharp') and (Version eq '')' ---> Paket.Utils+RequestFailedException: Request to 'https://nuget.intellifactory.com/nuget/Packages?$filter=(tolower(Id) eq 'websharper.fsharp') and (Version eq '')' failed with: 'Unauthorized'
at [email protected](RequestFailedInfo _arg1)
at [email protected](a a)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at [email protected](Exception _arg4)
Right, you need a paket update
first. The CI server does it for every build, but we should have it push the updated paket.lock
when we release.
@Tarmil On master, paket.lock
references a package version that is higher than the one publicly available on Nuget.Org. Running paket update
(without having access to the Intellifactory private feed) might not be right resolution, as it would resolve to an earlier version of the dependency.
(Build is now using and has been for quite some time, the WebSharper GitHub feed - closing issue.)