dotnet bot
dotnet bot
This is the pull request automatically created by the OneLocBuild task in the build process to check-in localized files generated based upon translation source files (.lcl files) handed-back from the...
This is the pull request automatically created by the OneLocBuild task in the build process to check-in localized files generated based upon translation source files (.lcl files) handed-back from the...
This is an automatically generated pull request from main into release/dev17.13. Once all conflicts are resolved and all the tests pass, you are free to merge the pull request. 🐯...
This is an automatically generated pull request from release/dev17.12 into main. Once all conflicts are resolved and all the tests pass, you are free to merge the pull request. 🐯...
This is an automatically generated pull request from release/dev17.10 into release/dev17.11. Once all conflicts are resolved and all the tests pass, you are free to merge the pull request. 🐯...
Migrated from @shawnro wrote: # Recently Triaged Issues All issues in this section should be triaged by the v-team into one of their business objectives or features. - [x]...
Localization result based on 1ec54ec296d400450ec6a2d7e2624d0556419bf8