react-native-ble-plx icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native-ble-plx copied to clipboard

[Android] After migration from 2.0.3 to 3.1.2 device disconnect after 5 second.

Open p4bl1t0 opened this issue 1 year ago • 19 comments


  • [X] I checked the documentation and FAQ without finding a solution
  • [X] I checked to make sure that this issue has not already been filed
  • [X] I'm sure that question is related to the library itself and not Bluetooth Low Energy or Classic in general. If that so, please post your question on StackOverflow.
  • [X] I'm running the latest version


I've upgrade from v2 to v3. Now while connecting from an Android phone the BLE device disconnect 5 seconds without any other error. On the event "onDeviceDisconnected" error is equal to null.

The documentation said that this is because of a call to cancelConnection but no call is made.

Using exactly the same code with version 2 works all fine so I asking for hint to help me to find the problem with connection. It's has to be a changed in the library.

In JavaScript I doesn't have any log information. This is the phone logcat

12-18 12:21:54.414 13688 17245 D BluetoothGatt: connect() - device: F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15, auto: false
12-18 12:21:54.415 13688 17245 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp()
12-18 12:21:54.415 13688 17245 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() - UUID=922321d0-501a-41d0-8816-5711e7ab408f
12-18 12:21:54.415  2504  2521 D BtGatt.GattService: registerClient() - UUID=922321d0-501a-41d0-8816-5711e7ab408f
12-18 12:21:54.416  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATT_Register e30e9475-f3cf-4038-dfbc-17075ee9c589
12-18 12:21:54.416  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] allocated gatt_if=8
12-18 12:21:54.417  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: onClientRegistered() - UUID=922321d0-501a-41d0-8816-5711e7ab408f, clientIf=8
12-18 12:21:54.417 13688 13705 D BluetoothGatt: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=8
12-18 12:21:54.418  2504  2521 D BtGatt.GattService: clientConnect() - address=F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15, isDirect=true, opportunistic=false, phy=1
12-18 12:21:54.419  2504  2610 D bt_btif_config: btif_get_address_type: Device [f0:5c:7c:7a:cb:15] address type 1
12-18 12:21:54.419  2504  2610 D bt_btif_config: btif_get_device_type: Device [f0:5c:7c:7a:cb:15] type 2
12-18 12:21:54.420  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATT_Connect gatt_if=8, address=f0:5c:7c:7a:cb:15 is_direct 1
12-18 12:21:54.451  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] lower the scan parameters used for connecting
12-18 12:21:54.452  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] Already connection initiated (or) No Pending connections(or) Resources of lcb are exhausted
12-18 12:21:54.452  2504  2936 W bt_btm  : btm_acl_created hci_handle=9 link_role=0  transport=2
12-18 12:21:54.452  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] Already connection initiated (or) No Pending connections(or) Resources of lcb are exhausted
12-18 12:21:54.523  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 8, msg_len = 6
12-18 12:21:54.524  2504  2936 E bt_btif : bta_dm_acl_change new acl connetion:count = 1
12-18 12:21:54.524  2504  2936 W bt_btif : bta_dm_acl_change info: 0x0
12-18 12:21:54.524  2504  2936 W bt_l2cap: L2CA_SetDesireRole() new:x1, disallow_switch:0
12-18 12:21:54.524  2504  2936 E bt_stack: [] bta_gattc_cache_load: can't open GATT cache file /data/misc/bluetooth/gatt_cache_f05c7c7acb15 for reading, error: No such file or directory
12-18 12:21:54.525  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GetDeviceCount: Not initialized yet
12-18 12:21:54.525  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATTC_Discover conn_id=0x0008, disc_type=1, s_handle=0x0001, e_handle=0xffff
12-18 12:21:54.526  2504  2610 D bt_btif_dm: remote version info [f0:5c:7c:7a:cb:15]: 0, 0, 0
12-18 12:21:54.532  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: onConnected() - clientIf=8, connId=8, address=F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15
12-18 12:21:54.533 13688 13705 D BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=0 clientIf=8 device=F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15
12-18 12:21:54.535  2504 17327 D BluetoothMetrics: btclass1f00
12-18 12:21:54.535  1062  1562 D NativeSensors: CapSensor:  mPendingEvent.distance=1.000000
12-18 12:21:54.537 16806 16806 W BluetoothEventManager: AclStateChangedHandler: activeDevice is null
12-18 12:21:54.539  2524  2757 W BluetoothEventManager: AclStateChangedHandler: activeDevice is null
12-18 12:21:54.541 13688 17245 D BluetoothGatt: configureMTU() - device: F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15 mtu: 253
12-18 12:21:54.542  2504  2521 D BtGatt.GattService: configureMTU() - address=F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15 mtu=253
12-18 12:21:54.546 12461 12461 D MCLOG   : [MC_Service] onStartcommand()
12-18 12:21:54.546  2504 17327 D Checkin : publish the event [tag = MOT_BT event name = CONN_SUC]
12-18 12:21:54.562   970   970 D Zygote  : Forked child process 17328
12-18 12:21:54.568  1537  1829 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast {}
12-18 12:21:54.575 17328 17328 E gearhead:share: Unknown bits set in runtime_flags: 0x8000
12-18 12:21:54.584 17328 17328 E gearhead:share: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
12-18 12:21:54.613  1062  1562 D NativeSensors: CapSensor:  mPendingEvent.distance=2.000000
12-18 12:21:54.624 17328 17328 I gearhead:share: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
12-18 12:21:54.624  1089  3015 E WifiHAL : Received fatal event, sending alert
12-18 12:21:54.625  1537 12332 W WifiVendorHal: onDebugErrorAlert 4104
12-18 12:21:54.713 17328 17328 D ProcessLifecycleG3: androidx.startup is not available, initializing using ProcessLifecycleOwnerInitializer instead.
12-18 12:21:54.718  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 17, msg_len = 13
12-18 12:21:54.762 17328 17328 I CAR.GH  : onCreate
12-18 12:21:54.796 17328 17328 I GH.PrimesMgr: transmitting to prod
12-18 12:21:54.804 17328 17353 W gearhead:share: Accessing hidden field Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (greylist-max-o, reflection, denied)
12-18 12:21:54.804 17328 17353 W gearhead:share: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedSet;-><init>(Ljava/util/Set;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (greylist-max-o, reflection, denied)
12-18 12:21:54.804 17328 17353 W gearhead:share: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;-><init>(Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (greylist-max-o, reflection, denied)
12-18 12:21:54.806 17328 17328 I CAR.GH  : Process: SHARED_SERVICE
12-18 12:21:54.815  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 17, msg_len = 21
12-18 12:21:54.886  1537  1614 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 194192(8799KB) AllocSpace objects, 41(11MB) LOS objects, 42% free, 27MB/47MB, paused 136us total 157.840ms
12-18 12:21:54.912  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 17, msg_len = 21
12-18 12:21:54.917 17328 17328 I CAR.GH  : onCreate completed
12-18 12:21:54.935 17328 17328 I GH.WifiBluetoothRcvr: Connection action: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED, device F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15
12-18 12:21:54.947  2968  2968 E AbstractGmsTracer: Traced class shouldn't be obfuscated: PersistentTrustedChimeraReceiver [CONTEXT service_id=259 ]
12-18 12:21:54.947  1537  6138 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #17
12-18 12:21:54.951  3404  3404 E AbstractGmsTracer: Traced class shouldn't be obfuscated: GmsIntentOperationChimeraService [CONTEXT service_id=259 ]
12-18 12:21:54.956  2968  2968 E AbstractGmsTracer: Traced class shouldn't be obfuscated: PersistentIntentOperationChimeraService [CONTEXT service_id=259 ]
12-18 12:21:54.960  4403  5382 I bchi    : (REDACTED) bluetoothConnectionStateChanged. Action: %s
12-18 12:21:54.960  3404 17361 E AbstractGmsTracer: Traced class shouldn't be obfuscated: CarBluetoothReceiverOperation [CONTEXT service_id=259 ]
12-18 12:21:54.961  2968 17362 E AbstractGmsTracer: Traced class shouldn't be obfuscated: BluetoothDeviceIntentOperation [CONTEXT service_id=259 ]
12-18 12:21:54.962  3404 17361 E AbstractGmsTracer: Traced class shouldn't be obfuscated: BluetoothReceiverOperation [CONTEXT service_id=259 ]
12-18 12:21:54.962  2968 17362 I Nearby  : (REDACTED) is blocked device type %s, isAuto=%s, isIot=%s, isLatchsky=%s, isChinaWearable=%s, isTv=%s, isWearable=%s (supportWearOs=%s), isChromeOsDevice=%s (supportChromeOs=%s)
12-18 12:21:54.965  2968  2968 I NearbyDiscovery: (REDACTED) onAclChange: state=%s, %s
12-18 12:21:54.970  2968 10615 I NearbyDiscovery: (REDACTED) FastPair: lock scan rate if needed, %s, bondState=%s
12-18 12:21:54.971  2968 16473 I NearbyDiscovery: (REDACTED) FastPairBattery: No associated accountKey is found when query battery info, %s
12-18 12:21:54.990  4403  4702 I bchi    : (REDACTED) Failed to get bistoDeviceInfo %s
12-18 12:21:55.003 17328 17355 I GH.CarSvcDataStorage: Using DB version: 12
12-18 12:21:55.005  4403  4702 I atnw    : Not bonded or not refresh cache.
12-18 12:21:55.009  4403  4711 W bchi    : Failed to get bisto device info.
12-18 12:21:55.009  4403  4711 W bchi    : cfkr
12-18 12:21:55.009  4403  4711 W bchi    : 	at cftw.get(PG:1)
12-18 12:21:55.009  4403  4711 W bchi    : 	at j$.util.Optional.orElseThrow(SourceFile:2)
12-18 12:21:55.009  4403  4711 W bchi    : 	at cftx.apply(PG:3)
12-18 12:21:55.009  4403  4711 W bchi    : 	at hbvz.apply(PG:3)
12-18 12:21:55.009  4403  4711 W bchi    : 	at hsvk.e(PG:2)
12-18 12:21:55.009  4403  4711 W bchi    : 	at
12-18 12:21:55.009  4403  4711 W bchi    : 	at
12-18 12:21:55.009  4403  4711 W bchi    : 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
12-18 12:21:55.009  4403  4711 W bchi    : 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
12-18 12:21:55.009  4403  4711 W bchi    : 	at
12-18 12:21:55.009  4403  4711 W bchi    : 	at
12-18 12:21:55.009  4403  4711 W bchi    : 	at
12-18 12:21:55.010  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 17, msg_len = 7
12-18 12:21:55.010  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATTC_Discover conn_id=0x0008, disc_type=3, s_handle=0x0001, e_handle=0x0009
12-18 12:21:55.013  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: onClientConnUpdate() - connId=8, status=0
12-18 12:21:55.013 13688 17359 D BluetoothGatt: onConnectionUpdated() - Device=F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15 interval=6 latency=0 timeout=500 status=0
12-18 12:21:55.018 17328 17367 I GH.ConnLoggerV2: Started session 3f85df64-e1f2-4f7f-a3d0-787e1d142981, start time = 11897483
12-18 12:21:55.023 17328 17367 I GH.ConnLoggerV2: Session 3f85df64-e1f2-4f7f-a3d0-787e1d142981, event 0, detail OptionalInt.empty, SESSION_STARTED, at 11897483
12-18 12:21:55.023 17328 17355 W CAR.BTCapsStore: Device not bonded, thus it's not currently AAW capable.
12-18 12:21:55.023 17328 17355 I CAR.BTCapsStore: AAW status (UNKNOWN_AND_DONT_TRY_RFCOMM).
12-18 12:21:55.031  1537  6137 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=795, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10119] ], android.os.BinderProxy@3963821)
12-18 12:21:55.031  1537  6145 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=794, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10119] ], android.os.BinderProxy@a1b1688)
12-18 12:21:55.032   970   970 I Zygote  : Process 14505 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
12-18 12:21:55.032  1537  6137 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=792, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10119] ], android.os.BinderProxy@6962446)
12-18 12:21:55.032  1537  3226 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=793, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10119] ], android.os.BinderProxy@11ef607)
12-18 12:21:55.032  1537  2660 D ActivityManager: makeInactive, ProcessRecord{87f30a0}, clear holder.state
12-18 12:21:55.032  1537  2473 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=792, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10119] ] (release request)
12-18 12:21:55.033  1537  2473 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=793, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10119] ] (release request)
12-18 12:21:55.034  1537  1831 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10119 pid 14505 in 85ms
12-18 12:21:55.034  1537  2473 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=794, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10119] ] (release request)
12-18 12:21:55.039 17328 17367 I GH.ConnLoggerV2: Session 3f85df64-e1f2-4f7f-a3d0-787e1d142981, event 1, detail OptionalInt.empty, USB_CHARGER_CONNECTED, at 11897483
12-18 12:21:55.039 17328 17367 I GH.ConnLoggerV2: Session 3f85df64-e1f2-4f7f-a3d0-787e1d142981, event 2, detail OptionalInt.empty, INTERNET_CONNECTED, at 11897493
12-18 12:21:55.040 17328 17367 I GH.ConnLoggerV2: Session 3f85df64-e1f2-4f7f-a3d0-787e1d142981, event 3, detail OptionalInt.empty, WIRELESS_WIFI_STATE_ENABLED, at 11897493
12-18 12:21:55.041 17328 17367 I GH.ConnLoggerV2: Session 3f85df64-e1f2-4f7f-a3d0-787e1d142981, event 4, detail OptionalInt.empty, GH_USB_CONFIGURED, at 11897495
12-18 12:21:55.069 17328 17328 I CAR.TOKEN: Connecting ksf@9c8d4a6 using class law@70462100/class laz@162615015 (cx attempt 1)
12-18 12:21:55.071 17328 17328 I GH.SharedService: Shared Service created
12-18 12:21:55.081  2504  2936 W bt_btm  : btm_read_remote_version_complete lmp_version 9 manufacturer 89 lmp_subversion 183
12-18 12:21:55.083   970   970 D Zygote  : Forked child process 17376
12-18 12:21:55.087  1537  1829 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast {}
12-18 12:21:55.090 17328 17328 I GH.SharedServiceConnect: onServiceConnected(ComponentName:ComponentInfo{}, service:hhs@33a693d)
12-18 12:21:55.097 17376 17376 E on.gearhead:ca: Unknown bits set in runtime_flags: 0x8000
12-18 12:21:55.104  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 1, msg_len = 4
12-18 12:21:55.104  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATTC_Discover conn_id=0x0008, disc_type=4, s_handle=0x0001, e_handle=0x0009
12-18 12:21:55.105 17376 17376 E on.gearhead:ca: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
12-18 12:21:55.119  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 9, msg_len = 22
12-18 12:21:55.134  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 9, msg_len = 8
12-18 12:21:55.147 17376 17376 I on.gearhead:ca: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
12-18 12:21:55.149  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 1, msg_len = 4
12-18 12:21:55.149  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATTC_Discover conn_id=0x0008, disc_type=3, s_handle=0x000a, e_handle=0x000d
12-18 12:21:55.164  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 1, msg_len = 4
12-18 12:21:55.164  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATTC_Discover conn_id=0x0008, disc_type=4, s_handle=0x000a, e_handle=0x000d
12-18 12:21:55.179  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 9, msg_len = 8
12-18 12:21:55.209  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 1, msg_len = 4
12-18 12:21:55.209  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATTC_Discover conn_id=0x0008, disc_type=5, s_handle=0x000d, e_handle=0x000d
12-18 12:21:55.216 17376 17376 I CAR.GH  : onCreate
12-18 12:21:55.224  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 5, msg_len = 5
12-18 12:21:55.224  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATTC_Discover conn_id=0x0008, disc_type=3, s_handle=0x000e, e_handle=0x0015
12-18 12:21:55.239  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 1, msg_len = 4
12-18 12:21:55.239  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATTC_Discover conn_id=0x0008, disc_type=4, s_handle=0x000e, e_handle=0x0015
12-18 12:21:55.249 17376 17376 I GH.PrimesMgr: transmitting to prod
12-18 12:21:55.254  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 9, msg_len = 22
12-18 12:21:55.255 17376 17397 W on.gearhead:ca: Accessing hidden field Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (greylist-max-o, reflection, denied)
12-18 12:21:55.256 17376 17397 W on.gearhead:ca: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedSet;-><init>(Ljava/util/Set;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (greylist-max-o, reflection, denied)
12-18 12:21:55.256 17376 17397 W on.gearhead:ca: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;-><init>(Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (greylist-max-o, reflection, denied)
12-18 12:21:55.261 17376 17376 I CAR.GH  : Process: CAR
12-18 12:21:55.269  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 9, msg_len = 22
12-18 12:21:55.284  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 9, msg_len = 22
12-18 12:21:55.306  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 1, msg_len = 4
12-18 12:21:55.307  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATTC_Discover conn_id=0x0008, disc_type=5, s_handle=0x0013, e_handle=0x0013
12-18 12:21:55.316 17376 17376 I CAR.GH  : onCreate completed
12-18 12:21:55.321 17376 17376 I GH.CAR  : onCreate
12-18 12:21:55.321  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 5, msg_len = 5
12-18 12:21:55.322  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATTC_Discover conn_id=0x0008, disc_type=3, s_handle=0x0016, e_handle=0x001d
12-18 12:21:55.337  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 1, msg_len = 4
12-18 12:21:55.337  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATTC_Discover conn_id=0x0008, disc_type=4, s_handle=0x0016, e_handle=0x001d
12-18 12:21:55.367  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 9, msg_len = 22
12-18 12:21:55.389  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 9, msg_len = 22
12-18 12:21:55.391 17376 17376 I GH.CAR  : gearheadCarServiceBinder in mainHandler: true
12-18 12:21:55.404  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 1, msg_len = 4
12-18 12:21:55.404  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATTC_Discover conn_id=0x0008, disc_type=5, s_handle=0x0019, e_handle=0x001a
12-18 12:21:55.419  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 5, msg_len = 9
12-18 12:21:55.419  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATTC_Discover conn_id=0x0008, disc_type=5, s_handle=0x001d, e_handle=0x001d
12-18 12:21:55.428 17376 17376 I GH.CAR  : Using GearheadCarServiceBinder in CarMessageService.
12-18 12:21:55.432 17376 17376 I GH.DelegateMngCarSvc: Retries remaining initialized to 20
12-18 12:21:55.432 17376 17376 I GH.CAR  : Using Gearhead for projection services. All aboard! 🚀
12-18 12:21:55.432 17376 17376 I GH.DelegateICarSupplier: Obtaining car service delegate from GMS Core via connectionless.
12-18 12:21:55.433 17376 17376 I GH.DelegateMngCarSvc: Skipping delegate acquisition on init().
12-18 12:21:55.433 17376 17376 I GH.CarService: Setting delegate: ejh@6d8b9a5
12-18 12:21:55.434  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 5, msg_len = 5
12-18 12:21:55.434  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATTC_Discover conn_id=0x0008, disc_type=3, s_handle=0x001e, e_handle=0xffff
12-18 12:21:55.434 17376 17376 I CAR.SERVICE: Setting CSB delegate, previous value null updated to ffh@d75817a
12-18 12:21:55.434 17376 17376 I GH.CAR  : Setting validator car info suppliers
12-18 12:21:55.435 17376 17376 I GH.CAR  : ICar delegate chain:
12-18 12:21:55.435 17376 17376 I GH.CAR  : 	fgc@6d77d2b
12-18 12:21:55.435 17376 17376 I GH.CAR  : 	-> ejh@6d8b9a5
12-18 12:21:55.435 17376 17376 I GH.CAR  : 	-> ffh@d75817a
12-18 12:21:55.436 17376 17376 I GH.CAR  : GearheadCarStartupService.onBind
12-18 12:21:55.440 17376 17376 I CAR.BT_RCVR: Android is Q or below.
12-18 12:21:55.442  1537  2660 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #17
12-18 12:21:55.447 17328 17406 I GH.GhCarClientCtor: Bound to startup service, got Car Service: ktk@4e95c39
12-18 12:21:55.449  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 1, msg_len = 4
12-18 12:21:55.449  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATTC_Discover conn_id=0x0008, disc_type=4, s_handle=0x001e, e_handle=0xffff
12-18 12:21:55.451 17328 17328 I CAR.TOKEN: Successfully connected lbb@71f33df using class law@70462100/class laz@162615015 (cx attempt 1)
12-18 12:21:55.464  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 9, msg_len = 8
12-18 12:21:55.479  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 1, msg_len = 4
12-18 12:21:55.479  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATTC_Discover conn_id=0x0008, disc_type=5, s_handle=0x0021, e_handle=0xffff
12-18 12:21:55.482 17328 17328 I GH.CarClientManager: CarClientToken connected.
12-18 12:21:55.482 17328 17328 I GH.CarClientManager: Transition from UNINITIALIZED to CLIENT_CONNECTED.
12-18 12:21:55.499  1537  2660 D ActivityManager: makeInactive, ProcessRecord{2e5b01}, clear holder.state
12-18 12:21:55.502   970   970 I Zygote  : Process 6840 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
12-18 12:21:55.503  1537  1831 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10026 pid 6840 in 60ms
12-18 12:21:55.509  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 5, msg_len = 5
12-18 12:21:55.516   970   970 D Zygote  : Forked child process 17413
12-18 12:21:55.521  1537  1829 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider {}
12-18 12:21:55.524  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 1, msg_len = 4
12-18 12:21:55.524  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] bta_gattc_explore_srvc_finished: service discovery finished
12-18 12:21:55.525  2504  2610 E bt_btif_gattc: btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Unhandled event (8)!
12-18 12:21:55.534 17413 17413 E ocess.gservice: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
12-18 12:21:55.549  1537  6138 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #17
12-18 12:21:55.554  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 3, msg_len = 2
12-18 12:21:55.555  2504  2936 W bt_l2cap: l2cble_set_fixed_channel_tx_data_length, request not supported
12-18 12:21:55.555  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: onConfigureMTU() address=F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15, status=0, mtu=247
12-18 12:21:55.556 13688 17359 D BluetoothGatt: onConfigureMTU() - Device=F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15 mtu=247 status=0
12-18 12:21:55.563 13688 14889 I ReactNativeJS: 'StackLog: ', 'Connecting: BLE connection stablished…', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
12-18 12:21:55.575 17413 17413 I ocess.gservice: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
12-18 12:21:55.584  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: onClientConnUpdate() - connId=8, status=0
12-18 12:21:55.585 13688 17359 D BluetoothGatt: onConnectionUpdated() - Device=F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15 interval=39 latency=0 timeout=500 status=0
12-18 12:21:55.619  1537  4048 D ActivityManager: makeInactive, ProcessRecord{d3f360e}, clear holder.state
12-18 12:21:55.620   970   970 I Zygote  : Process 16008 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
12-18 12:21:55.634  1537  1831 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10023 pid 16008 in 84ms
12-18 12:21:55.665 17413 17413 I GservicesProvider: Gservices pushing to system: true; secure/global: true
12-18 12:21:55.781   969 17436 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (100, <unspecified>/0)
12-18 12:21:56.502 13688 14889 I ReactNativeJS: 'ble.js: ', 'POST _on_Conn_ected-Device', true, '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
12-18 12:21:57.796   969 17440 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (100, <unspecified>/0)
12-18 12:21:58.015 13688 14889 I ReactNativeJS: 'StackLog: ', 'Connecting: BLE creating channel…', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
12-18 12:21:58.803     0     0 W swapper/0: type=1400 audit(0.0:1485): avc: denied { kill } for uid=0 capability=5 scontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
12-18 12:21:58.917 13688 17245 D BluetoothGatt: discoverServices() - device: F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15
12-18 12:21:58.918  2504  2521 D BtGatt.GattService: discoverServices() - address=F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15, connId=8
12-18 12:21:58.919  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: onSearchCompleted() - connId=8, status=0
12-18 12:21:58.921  2504  2610 D bt_bta_gattc: bta_gattc_get_gatt_db
12-18 12:21:58.923  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: onGetGattDb() - address=F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15
12-18 12:21:58.923  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got service with UUID=00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb id: 1
12-18 12:21:58.923  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got characteristic with UUID=00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb id: 3
12-18 12:21:58.923  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got characteristic with UUID=00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb id: 5
12-18 12:21:58.923  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got characteristic with UUID=00002a04-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb id: 7
12-18 12:21:58.923  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got characteristic with UUID=00002aa6-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb id: 9
12-18 12:21:58.923  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got service with UUID=00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb id: 10
12-18 12:21:58.923  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got characteristic with UUID=00002a05-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb id: 12
12-18 12:21:58.923  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got descriptor with UUID=00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb id: 13
12-18 12:21:58.923  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got service with UUID=00001530-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 id: 14
12-18 12:21:58.924  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got characteristic with UUID=00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 id: 16
12-18 12:21:58.924  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got characteristic with UUID=00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 id: 18
12-18 12:21:58.924  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got descriptor with UUID=00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb id: 19
12-18 12:21:58.924  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got characteristic with UUID=00001534-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 id: 21
12-18 12:21:58.924  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got service with UUID=6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e id: 22
12-18 12:21:58.924  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got characteristic with UUID=6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e id: 24
12-18 12:21:58.924  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got descriptor with UUID=00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb id: 25
12-18 12:21:58.924  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got descriptor with UUID=00002901-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb id: 26
12-18 12:21:58.924  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got characteristic with UUID=6e400002-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e id: 28
12-18 12:21:58.924  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got descriptor with UUID=00002901-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb id: 29
12-18 12:21:58.924  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got service with UUID=0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb id: 30
12-18 12:21:58.924  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got characteristic with UUID=00002a19-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb id: 32
12-18 12:21:58.924  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: got descriptor with UUID=00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb id: 33
12-18 12:21:58.925 13688 17359 D BluetoothGatt: onSearchComplete() = Device=F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15 Status=0
12-18 12:21:58.929 13688 14889 I ReactNativeJS: 'ble.js: ', 'Discover All Services And Characteristics OK', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
12-18 12:21:58.939 13688 14889 I ReactNativeJS: 'StackLog: ', 'Connecting: BLE channel stablished…', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
12-18 12:21:59.808   969 17444 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (100, <unspecified>/0)
12-18 12:21:59.824 13688 14889 I ReactNativeJS: 'ble.js: ', 'uart channerl', true, 'doMonitor', true, '', '', '', '', ''
12-18 12:21:59.826 13688 14889 I ReactNativeJS: 'ble.js: ', 'send_Command', { charCode: '7237A1B5-790A-D044-0123-456789ABCDE0' }, '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
12-18 12:21:59.827 13688 14889 I ReactNativeJS: 'ble.js: ', 'check channel ', false, '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
12-18 12:21:59.828 13688 14889 I ReactNativeJS: 'ble.js: ', 'we have channel for ', 'F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
12-18 12:21:59.828 13688 14890 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e enable: true
12-18 12:21:59.829 13688 14889 I ReactNativeJS: 'ble.js: ', 'is channel bussy? ', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
12-18 12:21:59.829  2504  2521 D BtGatt.GattService: registerForNotification() - address=F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15 enable: true
12-18 12:21:59.829 13688 14889 I ReactNativeJS: 'ble.js: ', 'Command STR = ', '7237A1B5-790A-D044-0123-456789ABCDE0', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
12-18 12:21:59.829  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: onRegisterForNotifications() - address=null, status=0, registered=1, handle=24
12-18 12:21:59.831 13688 14889 I ReactNativeJS: 'ble.js: ', 'send command', '7237A1B5-790A-D044-0123-456789ABCDE0', ' to ', 'F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15', '', '', '', '', ''
12-18 12:21:59.832 13688 14889 I ReactNativeJS: 'ble.js: ', 'F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15', [ 'F9:F2:19:9D:7A:BA', 'F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15' ], '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
12-18 12:21:59.834 13688 14889 I ReactNativeJS: 'ble.js: ', 'message to write: ', 'NzIzN0ExQjUtNzkwQS1EMDQ0LTAxMjMtNDU2Nzg5QUJDREUw', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
12-18 12:21:59.886  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 19, msg_len = 0
12-18 12:21:59.983  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 19, msg_len = 0
12-18 12:21:59.984  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] gatt_data_process op_code = 27, msg_len = 5
12-18 12:21:59.984  2504  2936 E bt_btif : bta_gattc_process_indicate, ignore HID ind/notificiation
12-18 12:21:59.990 13688 14889 I ReactNativeJS: 'ble.js: ', 'char write response:', 'NzIzN0ExQjUtNzkwQS1EMDQ0LTAxMjMtNDU2Nzg5QUJDREUw', 'with time_out of ', 8000, '', '', '', '', ''
12-18 12:21:59.995 13688 14889 I ReactNativeJS: 'StackLog: ', 'Connecting: Connection Successful!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
12-18 12:22:00.024  2524  2524 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by{f602a08 I.E...... ......ID 0,0-194,53 #7f0a01f7 app:id/heads_up_status_bar_view} during layout: running second layout pass
12-18 12:22:00.564  2504  2521 D BtGatt.GattService: getDeviceType() - device=F4:4E:FD:10:9A:59, type=1
12-18 12:22:00.564  2504  2521 D BtGatt.GattService: getDeviceType() - device=9C:19:C2:32:C6:5A, type=3
12-18 12:22:00.565 13688 17245 D BluetoothGatt: cancelOpen() - device: F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15
12-18 12:22:00.566  2504  2521 D BtGatt.GattService: clientDisconnect() - address=F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15, connId=8
12-18 12:22:00.566  2504  2936 I bt_stack: [] GATT_Disconnect conn_id=0x0008
12-18 12:22:00.567  2504  2936 E bt_stack: [] bta_gattc_mark_bg_conn unable to find the bg connection mask for bd_addr=f0:5c:7c:7a:cb:15
12-18 12:22:00.568  2504  2610 D BtGatt.GattService: onDisconnected() - clientIf=8, connId=8, address=F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15
12-18 12:22:00.568 13688 17359 D BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=0 clientIf=8 device=F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15
12-18 12:22:00.570 13688 17359 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e enable: false
12-18 12:22:00.570  2504  2521 D BtGatt.GattService: registerForNotification() - address=F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15 enable: false
12-18 12:22:00.570  2504 17445 D BluetoothMetrics: btclass1f00
12-18 12:22:00.570  2504  2521 E BtGatt.GattService: registerForNotification() - No connection for F0:5C:7C:7A:CB:15...
12-18 12:22:00.572  2504 17445 D Checkin : publish the event [tag = MOT_BT event name = DISC]
12-18 12:22:00.575 13688 17245 D BluetoothGatt: close()
12-18 12:22:00.575 13688 17245 D BluetoothGatt: unregisterApp() - mClientIf=8

p4bl1t0 avatar Dec 18 '23 18:12 p4bl1t0