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I'm not getting my characteristic to be able to read the device data and show it on the screen
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I'm not getting my characteristic to be able to read the device data and show it on the screen I'm getting the following return.
{ "index":0, "item":{ "_manager":{ "_activePromises":[ "Object" ], "_activeSubscriptions":[ "Object" ], "_errorCodesToMessagesMapping":[ "Object" ], "_eventEmitter":[ "NativeEventEmitter" ], "_scanEventSubscription":[ "EmitterSubscription" ], "_uniqueId":0 }, "id":"80:30:DC:0D:01:40", "isConnectable":null, "localName":"HMSoft", "manufacturerData":"SE2AMNwNAUA=", "mtu":23, "name":"HMSoft", "overflowServiceUUIDs":null, "rssi":-65, "serviceData":null, "serviceUUIDs":[ "0000ffe0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb" ], "solicitedServiceUUIDs":null, "txPowerLevel":0 }, "separators":{ "highlight":[ "Function highlight" ], "unhighlight":[ "Function unhighlight" ], "updateProps":[ "Function updateProps" ] } }
I can only get the serviceUUIDs but I still need to get the CHARACTERISTIC and the UUID
I get the following error [BleError: Service 228FE733-2BAB-CE6F-9772-FE0DD93D81A1 for device ? not found]
how did you resolve?