xkcd-cli icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
xkcd-cli copied to clipboard

No images found in “file:///tmp/tmp9djd4fc9/2870.png”.

Open miostreams opened this issue 8 months ago • 1 comments

Image correctly displayed when using Kitty, but when attempting to use xdg-open from Kitty or any other terminal, the tmp image file cannot be found.

For example, when using tilda, sixel isn't supported, so the default image viewer is opened, which results in the error message. Additionally, when specifying --no-terminal-graphics from Kitty, the same message is displayed.

Not sure what troubleshooting info will be useful for you. I used inotify-tools in a secondary terminal to monitor the file creation and it appears to be deleted before the file is read by the image viewer:

inotifywait /tmp --monitor
Setting up watches.
Watches established.
/tmp/ CREATE an6plj5d
/tmp/ OPEN an6plj5d
/tmp/ MODIFY an6plj5d
/tmp/ CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE an6plj5d
/tmp/ DELETE an6plj5d
/tmp/ CREATE,ISDIR tmp9djd4fc9
/tmp/ OPEN,ISDIR tmp9djd4fc9
/tmp/ ACCESS,ISDIR tmp9djd4fc9
/tmp/ DELETE,ISDIR tmp9djd4fc9

After these lines are printed in the secondary terminal, the image viewer displays the 'no images found' error message.

miostreams avatar Dec 21 '23 01:12 miostreams