```GET /v1/styles/visualproperties/{visualProperty}``` returns: ```json { "visualProperty": "EDGE_LABEL_WIDTH", "name": "Edge Label Width", "targetDataType": "CyEdge", "default": "200.0" } ``` Whereas, ```GET /v1/styles/{name}/defaults/{vp}``` and ```GET /v1/styles/{name}/defaults``` both use the format: ```json { "visualProperty":...
@mikekucera reported this. It could be more flexible to get commands to return JSON results when the HTTP content-type header specifies JSON. This way, a GET statement could provide JSON...
This repo was originally forked from idekerlab/cyREST, which hasn't been updated since CyREST became a core app. This makes git activity just a little more annoying, so if there's a...
Currently, the format of the VisualProperty for setting images is cryptic and poorly documented. Example of a valid value: ```json { "visualProperty": "NODE_CUSTOMGRAPHICS_1", "value": "org.cytoscape.ding.customgraphics.bitmap.URLImageCustomGraphics,18,bundle://76.0:0/images/sampleCustomGraphics/Arabidopsis_thaliana_L.png,bitmap image" } ```
The GET /v1/networks/{networkId}/views/{viewId}/{objectType}/{objectId} endpoint might benefit from a filter for certain visual properties. For example: ``` http://localhost:4444/v1/networks/52/views/770/nodes/355?visualProperties=NODE_X_LOCATION ```
Export the legend for a style. The implementation could simply be like the one for json: ```GET /v1/styles/{name}.json``` But with .gif, .svg, and .pdf outputs.
A long-running task (24hrs) was executed from ARC. The expected result was returned, but the following was logged: ``` javax.servlet.ServletException: A MultiException has 1 exceptions. They are: 1. java.lang.IllegalStateException: ServiceLocatorImpl(__HK2_Generated_5,6,1989971342)...
A helpful movie for navigating the Swagger UI is needed.
We should have R and Python libraries in these two apps: - [ ] cy-automation-cy-rest-best-practices-sample - [ ] cy-automation-taskfactory-json-sample