angularjs-dropdown-multiselect copied to clipboard
how to implement "required" validation attribute ?
Hi, I was wondering if someone had already found a solution for how to implement the "required" validation attribute ? Thank you very much in advance for your feedback Regards kbjp
I am also interested in this. Anyone found out how to do it?
Thank you.
+1. Can't believe this isn't implemented.
I am too need to make the multi-select component as required mandatory field.
Any idea how to do that ?
Thanks nice and very useful component.
Try this, it works for me:
app.directive('ngDropdownRequired', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '?ngModel',
link: function ($scope, elem, attrs, ngModel) {
$scope.updateForm = function (model, mode) {
model.$setValidity("requiredSelect", mode);
$scope.checkModel = function (model) {
return !((angular.isObject(model) && angular.equals(model, {})) || (angular.isArray(model) && model.length == 0));
$scope.$watch(attrs.selectedModel, function (val) {
$scope.updateForm(ngModel, $scope.checkModel(val));
}, true);
And then in HTML ng-dropdown-required
and ng-model
with your model
<div name="country"
How I implemented required for my submit button is. I checked the length of the array of the model of the multi select box. I disabled the button if the multiselect selected length is less than 1.
<input type="button" ng-click="submitRemoveProviderFromTin(ind)" class="primary-button" value="Submit" ng-disabled="(formObject.providersSelectedPcp.length < 1) || nameFormRemoveProviderFromTin.$invalid">
This should help at some point.
@deepakkoirala it worked, thanks.
@krzyhan I tried your directive and it works. Now, however, I need to expand on it to make it conditional. I want it to be able to parse a query and use the boolean result from it to determine if the dropdown can be ignored or not.
I changed the $watch to this:
function (val) {
var booleanResult = $parse(attrs.ngDropdownRequired)($scope);
if (booleanResult)
$scope.updateForm(ngModel, $scope.checkModel(val));
$scope.updateForm(ngModel, true);
It almost works. When I specify the attribute ng-dropdown-required="vm.someObject.someBoolean"
, it does parse and evaluate the string and returns the boolean. BUT... I initially set this boolean and it is acted upon. But later changes of this boolean (without attrs.selectedModel being changed) does not reflect the updated state.
How do I make the directive update when the code in the ng-dropdown-required results in a new state? I can't exactly watch it as it could include filters and more.
@galmok This is how I implemented a conditional. You have to add a watch for "ngDropdownRequired" as well.
angular.module('ait').directive('ngDropdownRequired', function ($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '?ngModel',
link: function ($scope, elem, attrs, ngModel) {
var condition;
$scope.updateForm = function (model, mode) {
model.$setValidity("ng-dropdown-required", mode);
$scope.checkModel = function (model) {
return !((angular.isObject(model) && angular.equals(model, {})) || (angular.isArray(model) && model.length === 0));
$scope.$watch(attrs.ngDropdownRequired, function (val) {
if (val === undefined) {
val = true; // Default true
$scope.updateForm(ngModel, val ? $scope.checkModel($parse(attrs.selectedModel)($scope)) : true);
}, true);
$scope.$watch(attrs.selectedModel, function (val) {
var condition = $parse(attrs.ngDropdownRequired)($scope);
if (condition === undefined) {
condition = true; // Default true
$scope.updateForm(ngModel, condition ? $scope.checkModel(val) : true);
}, true);
how i can show error message
<p class="error" ng-show="$invalid">message here</p>
where "form" is form name and "country" is dropdown name
has this been implemented?
It's so easy: add a "hidden" input box beside it and set its ng-model to first element of "selected-model" of dropdown and set its ng-required to true. Here is the code:
<div ng-dropdown-multiselect options="ctrl.list" selected-model="ctrl.item"></div>
<input type="hidden" ng-model="ctrl.item[0]" ng-required="true">
That's it. enjoy ;)