frontend copied to clipboard
Dashboard, OBS overlay, settings, homepage and more for Dotabod
Dotabod Frontend 👨💻
Welcome to the open source UI for Dotabod! This repository includes the overlay used in OBS, a dashboard to manage all settings, and the homepage.
About Dotabod 🎮
Dotabod is a platform designed to enhance the experience of Dota 2 streamers and viewers. By providing real-time stats, twitch bets, mmr tracking, and more, Dotabod allows viewers to engage with Dota 2 streams in new and exciting ways.
Installation 🛠️
- Clone the repository & copy the example environment file
git clone
cd frontend
# Fill out the values in .env with your own
cp .env.example .env
- Install dependencies
yarn install
- Setup your postgres database
yarn prisma db push
- Start the development server
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Alter the frontend to use moderator scopes, then login with your chatbot
Undo the moderator scope changes and login with a normal twitch user that you want to stream on
Contributing 🤝
We welcome contributions from the community! Whether you want to submit a bug report, suggest a new feature, or contribute code, we would love to hear from you. Please see our Contributing Guidelines for more information.
License 📝
This project is licensed under the MIT License.