
Results 37 comments of dotX12

I guess it has to do with:

@Krukov The redis statistics show nothing interesting. a load of 1%, I think we can hardly say anything about it.

> And did it happen right after deploy a new version with cashes on master or after while? within a few hours there was an increase in load, after which...

> Hi @dotX12 . Do you have any updates? ) Hello, now I sit down to reproduce the bug, I think tomorrow or after tomorrow I will send it!

@Krukov, `pickletype="sqlalchemy"` really solved my problem, I don't know why it didn't work last time, maybe I didn't update the library version to master, but now the problem is gone!...

Closed, problem fixed.

@tiangolo, opened again, because the problem has not been fixed by anyone for a long time, please take a look :)

@tiangolo Is there any information on when this will be approved and go to the master branch? I, like many other people, cannot move to >0.100 because of this problem...

@Kludex, can we engage you to solve this problem? I understand that there are a lot of problems, but the fix is important and has not moved for half a...