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Multiplatform kotlin string case conversion and detection library.


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Multiplatform kotlin string case conversion and detection library.


(Inspired by Guava's CaseFormat)


Declare repository

Include the following in your respositories block within the build.gradle.kts:

repositories {

Or in groovy syntax for a build.gradle:

repositories {
    maven {
        url 'https://dl.bintray.com/dotcipher/maven'

Include dependency

Include the following in your dependencies block (replacing <version> with the latest release above:

dependencies {
        // JVM implementation

        // Native / JS implementations coming soon


KaseFormat is the main entrypoint for library usage, and it's defined as an enum of the following formats:

  • LOWER_HYPHEN (ie. hello-world)
  • CAPITAL_HYPHEN (ie. Hello-World)
  • LOWER_UNDERSCORE (ie. hello_world)
  • CAPITAL_UNDERSCORE (ie. Hello_World)
  • LOWER_CAMEL (ie. helloWorld)
  • CAPITAL_CAMEL (ie. HelloWorld)


The most efficient way to convert is if the source format is known before conversion. For example, if the intent is to convert from LOWER_UNDERSCORE (ie. hello_world) to CAPITAL_CAMEL (ie. HelloWorld) then you could use the following syntax:

val str = "hello_world"
val output = KaseFormat.LOWER_UNDERSCORE.convert(KaseFormat.CAPITAL_CAMEL, str)
// output == "HelloWorld"

If the source format isn't known before conversion, then a KaseConverter needs to be created targeting the destination format. The KaseConverter can be reused and is thread-safe. For example if the intent is to convert into the LOWER_HYPHEN format from any unknown format then you can use the following syntax:

val strings = listOf("string_one", "STRING-TWO", "stringThree", "StringFour")
val converter = KaseFormat.LOWER_HYPHEN.converter()

val firstOutput = converter.convert(strings[0])
// firstOutput == "string-one"

val listOutput = converter.convert(strings.sublist(1, strings.size))
// listOutput == listOf("string-two", "string-three", "string-four")


Detection of what format a string might be (by best guess), can be accomplished using the following syntax:

val str = "someString"
val format = KaseFormat.determine(str)
// format == LOWER_CAMEL