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How can I get absolute kernel addresses

Open d3fr4 opened this issue 8 years ago • 50 comments

i try your code but when I execute in adb your code in Huawei G630, I get:

CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE: cannot locate symbol "sendmmsg" referenced by "./iovyroot"...

How can I solve this?

d3fr4 avatar Apr 04 '16 07:04 d3fr4

Which android version are you using?

You can try replacing sendmmsg(sockfd, &msg, 1, 0); with syscall(374, sockfd, &msg, 1, 0);

dosomder avatar Apr 04 '16 08:04 dosomder

Now give me this:

iovyroot by zxz0O0 poc by idler1984

Error: Device not supported

I suppose that I must insert kernel absolute addresses in offset.c, but I don't know how I can find them. Can you give me some info?

d3fr4 avatar Apr 04 '16 09:04 d3fr4

You can find them using IDA and kallsymsprint

dosomder avatar Apr 04 '16 09:04 dosomder

Thanks you very much. I'll use them.

d3fr4 avatar Apr 04 '16 12:04 d3fr4

I use the tools that you said me. But Now I have this error:

reloc_library[1306]: 31258 cannot locate 'getline'... CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE

my device Samsung S6310N Android 4.1.2.

Thanks you in advance

d3fr4 avatar Apr 06 '16 13:04 d3fr4

The tool was made for Android Lollipop. If you want to try it on Android 4.1 you have to edit the APP_PLATFORM version in and possibly fix the code

dosomder avatar Apr 06 '16 13:04 dosomder

@dosomder Your code is working when I run it at 32 bits devices.I can find address from zImage by IDA.But I can't find 'joploc' and 'jopret' in my 64 bits devices.Could you tell me how to find it ?? Thanks a lot.

nswzzyws avatar Apr 08 '16 14:04 nswzzyws

You can find joploc through signature, see here: Just search for example for ADD X0, X29, #0x78 (copy it from getroot.c because of the spaces) in IDA until you find the right one.

jopret is the return of check_flags function, it's in setfl() from fcntl.c. Most of the time it's inlined in sys_fcntl, so you can find that address from kallsyms, then jump to that location in IDA. Scroll through the function until you find something like this

LOAD:FFFFFFC00030F4D0                 LDR             X1, [X0,#0xA0]
LOAD:FFFFFFC00030F4D4                 CBZ             X1, loc_FFFFFFC00030F4C0
LOAD:FFFFFFC00030F4D8                 MOV             W0, W22
LOAD:FFFFFFC00030F4DC                 BLR             X1      ; call check_flags
LOAD:FFFFFFC00030F4E0                 SBFM            X19, X0, #0, #0x1F
LOAD:FFFFFFC00030F4E4                 CBNZ            W19, loc_FFFFFFC00030F740
LOAD:FFFFFFC00030F4E8                 B               loc_FFFFFFC00030F4C0

The location of the SBFM command is the address of jopret, so in this example it's 0xFFFFFFC00030F4E0

dosomder avatar Apr 08 '16 15:04 dosomder

thanks for your answer! I have found the 'jopret' address ,but I still couldn't find 'joploc'.Can you give me a E-mail address? I want to ask you some details.Thank you very much...

nswzzyws avatar Apr 09 '16 12:04 nswzzyws

Make sure you copy the exact command from getroot.c. There are 2 possible gadgets depending on the firmware. If you still can't find it, upload the kernel image and I'll check it out. For private questions you can message me on xda-developers.

dosomder avatar Apr 09 '16 12:04 dosomder

Why do you need ADD X0, X29, #0x78 and not just:

LDR  X1, [X0, #0x210]

oblique avatar Apr 09 '16 20:04 oblique

@oblique X0 is the return register and X29 is the frame pointer register (something like stack pointer). Basically what this JOP gadget does is return the lower 4 bytes of the stack address, lower 4 bytes because the return value of fcntl() is int.

dosomder avatar Apr 09 '16 20:04 dosomder

I have a Xperia Z3 Dual sim (D6633), with MM, like "Z3C(D5803) 23.5.A.0.575, Linux version 3.4.0-perf-g43ea728 (BuildUser@BuildHost)" But thats address don't work in my phone. I have extracted kernel image from firmware, but i can't find the addresses, how can i find it? I've loaded kernel with IDA, but not found anything. Any can give me some help? some start points... Thanks in advance Sorry by my english.

gjmv avatar Jul 26 '16 02:07 gjmv

@gjmv You can use the tool to get kallsyms from kernel image

dosomder avatar Jul 26 '16 08:07 dosomder

Thanks for the answer. I have tried, and i get this error. root@kali:~/Desktop/celu# ./kallsymsprint.x86 ./fotakernel.elf [+]mmap mem=b6a5b000 length=00bd4de9 offset=095ad000 kallsyms_in_memory_addresses search failed

I think that i need some aditional step, but i havn't found what. Thanks!

gjmv avatar Jul 28 '16 00:07 gjmv

You need the kernel, not fotakernel.

dosomder avatar Jul 28 '16 08:07 dosomder

I tried with kernel (and fotakernel). I opened firmware ftf, extracted kernel.sin (there is another called fotakernel.sin). With flashtool, extracted data (with sin editor), that is my kernel.elf but this file give me the error "kallsyms_in_memory_addresses search failed" I think that kernel.elf is packed, or joined with other file, but i dont found more info (i tried google and google). If you have any comment on this, i'm thankful to you.


gjmv avatar Jul 28 '16 17:07 gjmv

Kernel is packed inside kernel.elf. You can find out the offset with linux utility binwalk. Many times it's LZOP or GZIP

dosomder avatar Jul 28 '16 22:07 dosomder

I got the addresses!!!! "got root lmao" Plus Recovery_for_MM575 and UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.76-20160630161323 i got Rooted my device! Thanks a lot!!! I'm thinking in pull request my model.

My problem: my kernel was compressed with lzop (and i had to split kernel and ramdisk before). Solved it, i got the addresses with kallsymsprint.

gjmv avatar Jul 29 '16 02:07 gjmv

Hi, desomder, I extract the kernel from rom which is downloaded from google official link: I can't find the "ptmx_fops" by kallsymsprint. My device is Nexus 7 (wifi) and how can I fix this issue?

danieljiang0415 avatar Aug 03 '16 03:08 danieljiang0415

@danieljiang0415 sometimes these symbols are removed for security reasons. You need to use IDA or any other disassembler to find it.

  • Find ptmx**_open** in kallsyms
  • Find xref to ptmx_open (code where ptmx_open is referenced) => This should be in unix98_pty_init
  • Analyze this function to get ptmx_fops address

dosomder avatar Aug 03 '16 07:08 dosomder

How about adding 32-bit Samsung devices? I added offsets and stuff, but nothing more than that. Sometims the phone stays at Done and sometimes there is a reboot. I believe it's because of the PXN protection. Supposedly I should find a 32-bit equivalent joploc and jopret? If so, could you guide me through?

f0rumview3r avatar Aug 05 '16 07:08 f0rumview3r

Are you sure it has PXN? Usually only 64bit devices have it. Finding joploc and jopret on 32bit is exactly the same, just registers are different (e.g. X0 is R0 on 32bit). Don't know if the gadgets even exist on 32bit.

dosomder avatar Aug 05 '16 08:08 dosomder

How about this then?

f0rumview3r avatar Aug 05 '16 09:08 f0rumview3r

Well I don't have any Samsung device, so can't help you much. But it shouldn't be too difficult to adapt the code.

dosomder avatar Aug 05 '16 09:08 dosomder

According to ret2dir technique and KEEN team, there are jop gadgets which can be used.. I just something to start with.. a pattern maybe that I can find on 32-bit (Samsung) devices

f0rumview3r avatar Aug 08 '16 08:08 f0rumview3r

EDIT: Thanks again!

tthorntone avatar Aug 21 '16 21:08 tthorntone


First of all I used to create an ELF file from the image. That way it's easier to analyze with IDA.

Open the s6_kernel.elf in IDA64. Choose ELF for ARM (elf64.l64) as loader, ARM as Processor type and check Manual load. In the next window, you would normally put the loading address of the kernel as the image base. But I found that you actually need to use 0xFFFFFFC0003B5624 with your kernel, otherwise everything will be shifted. Go to the .text segment with the cursor, then go to Edit => Segments => Edit Segment... and change it to 64-bit segment.

dosomder avatar Aug 22 '16 09:08 dosomder

@dosomder You are literally the best! That should help immensely. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to right that up for me. Do you have a PayPal or something I could send a beer your way?

tthorntone avatar Aug 22 '16 18:08 tthorntone

Thanks, you can find it on the xda profile :)

dosomder avatar Aug 22 '16 20:08 dosomder