Doron Behar

Results 223 comments of Doron Behar

As I said before, if a user has enabled completion cache, the completion function will run the `todoman` command only once to get the values it needs and then it'll...

> The console window is a Prompt Buffer. :help prompt-buffer. I’m not too interested in complex vimscript that’s emulating things. Wow, so that's how prompt buffers act and this is...

> I think you might be missing that the contents of the prompt buffer are not a job in Vimspector. The content is strictly what the server sends us, and...

BTW, > I’ve added a card to the trello. Please feel free to add your vote :) I will maybe start a conversation on vim-dev to try to add some...

> I suppose this is plausible, but it actually prevents some (somewhat) planned features, such as expanding variables printed in the console in the same way we do in the...

> TBH i'm not that keen on supporting 2 different editors. it just doubles, then quadruples my testing requirements. > OTOH, i'm not totally against adding something along the lines...

> btw if you want to discuss more real-time, there's a Gitter channel Thanks :) but it takes me a while to articulate what I write, and I'm doing several...

> > Copy the selection to a certain register > > the `*` register ? `:help quotestar` It could be any register. > for the record, i'm pretty strongly against...

@puremourning I'd like to converge our debate if I may. My conclusions are: - As a Vim (not Neovim) user, you don't feel the need to get rid of the...

Sorry for not replying a long time, I use Vim - no Neovim