Daniel Orner

Results 115 comments of Daniel Orner

.... lol I took a look and we actually *do* set the abort_on_exception to the individual threads! https://github.com/phobos/phobos/blob/master/lib/phobos/executor.rb#L29 I think it might be safe for us to just remove that...

@sweetat-xfers looks like the README is wrong. You need to include the test helper like so: ```ruby require 'phobos/test/helper' RSpec.configure do |config| config.include Phobos::Test::Helper end ``` Note that you still...

I've updated the README.

@petermumford have you configured Phobos yet in your unit test? You need to call `Phobos.configure(path_to_my_config_file)`.

@Naren1997 can you post the full backtrace? These errors seem to be in the underlying RubyKafka library rather than Phobos.

@Naren1997 yeah I can't see anything in Phobos that would cause the fetcher to suddenly lose its thread. Maybe try posting this issue in https://github.com/zendesk/ruby-kafka ?

It would totally depend on your broker and consumer settings, and would also depend on why you're crashing in the first place. :)

Hey @austinmoore! I think you might be misreading the situation in terms of the quote you added from the ruby-kafka docs. That's talking about creating threads within your consumer, which...

I do see your point about stopping the listeners from the main thread. I'm not sure what the ramifications are of that, but I can say we've been using Phobos...

I don't think so. I'm not sure if anyone has actually opened an issue on the ruby-kafka library though, as that's where the problem lies.