angularjs-to-angular4 copied to clipboard
Fixed some minor bugs in HybridHelper
- Fix semicolons in interface
- Import angular
- Unify name: componentSelector in the method: downgradeComponent in class and interface
- Minor layout improvements
I'm to lazy to make a pull request, but there are a few bugs in here
First of all, the import of angular is missing Second an = is missng And third it says: downQradeProvider instead of downgradeProvider.
Here is the full code on which my editor and webpack no longer fails.
import { downgradeComponent, downgradeInjectable } from '@angular/upgrade/static';
import { FactoryProvider } from '@angular/core';
import * as angular from 'angular';
export interface IComponentUpgradeOptions {
inputs?: string[],
outputs?: string[]
export interface IHybridHelper {
downgradeComponent(moduleName: string, componentSelector: string, componentClass: any, options?: IComponentUpgradeOptions): IHybridHelper,
downgradeProvider(moduleName: string, providerName: string, providerClass: any): IHybridHelper,
buildProviderForUpgrade(ng1Name: string, ng2Name?: string): FactoryProvider
export const HybridHelper: IHybridHelper = {
downgradeComponent: (moduleName: string, componentName: string, componentClass: any, options?: IComponentUpgradeOptions): IHybridHelper => {
options = options || {};
const inputs = options.inputs || [];
const outputs = options.outputs || [];
const component = componentClass;
angular.module(moduleName).directive(componentName, downgradeComponent({
component, inputs, outputs
}) as angular.IDirectiveFactory);
return HybridHelper;
downgradeProvider: (moduleName: string, providerName: string, providerClass: any): IHybridHelper => {
angular.module(moduleName).factory(providerName, downgradeInjectable(providerClass));
return HybridHelper;
buildProviderForUpgrade: (ng1Name: string, ng2Name?: string): FactoryProvider => {
ng2Name = ng2Name || ng1Name;
return {
provide: ng2Name,
useFactory: buildFactoryForUpgradeProvider(ng1Name),
deps: ['$injector']
function buildFactoryForUpgradeProvider(ng1Name: string): Function {
return (injector: any) => injector.get(ng1Name);