Juan Bohorquez
Juan Bohorquez
view http.conf and propertie "bindport" and "bindaddr" and "enabled"
uncoment line enable=yes in line 29 A Question, the virtual machine have communication with your pc?
This warning is a recomendation, but not is an error
Note: Not speak english, i am speak spanish, i am practice jejejej
Good morning @AimHigh0601 , for call outbound global, you must have a trunk provider. example: https://www.didww.com/coverage-and-prices/sip-trunking-pricing If you have a sip trunk with user and password, you was do edit...
@AimHigh0601 , you can buy sip trunk, after connect asterisk to the sip trunk, then management the call with asterisk using ARI
@adriavidal , the channel name content id of channel?
@uchepercynnoch , you have screen or config of dialplan extension, the part of execute Stasis app
Post a pull request for solve this problem https://github.com/rakannimer/react-google-charts/pull/709