Drew Arad Hudson
Drew Arad Hudson
Hi, the public GANformer model supports unconditional generation but indeed I do plan to release the extended model, GANformer2, https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.08960, that can perform conditional generation from a layout to an...
Thank you so much for the kind words! :-)
It may be a good idea to change the default in adam from 0.001 to 0.01. In experiments I've done so far 0.01 was consistently better..@null-a you changed the default...
@null-a right. moved my comment to there.
Regarding the stepSize - I also got significant improvement with 0.01, especially for dream..
What about the default number of forward samples? is 1 good?
@ngoodman is there a reason not to change the default from 0.001 to 0.01? In all cases I checked 0.01 was better. @null-a changed the default some time ago from...
Hello everybody! Thank you very much for the interest in the dataset and the challenge, and I would like to begin by the most honest and sincere apology for replying...