jQuery-Tweaks icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jQuery-Tweaks copied to clipboard

jQuery Doom Tweaks plugin to add more handy futures to the framework.

jQuery Doom Tweaks Plugin (check Firebug console to see the results)

Tweak your jQuery framework with handy additional functions. $.l() - alias for console.log() functions - check for Firebug existance Examples

$(document).ready(function () { $.l($('div')); });

$.t() - display UNIX time in seconds (like PHP timestamp() functions does) Examples

$(document).ready(function () { $.time(); });

$.lt() - log the code run time to the Firebug console Examples

$(document).ready(function () { $.lt(); $('div'); $.lt(); });

$.bm() - benchmark your code Examples

$(document).ready(function () { $.bm("var divs = $('.testdiv', '#pageBody');"); // 2353 on Firebug 3.6 $.bm("var divs = $('#pageBody').find('.testdiv');"); // 2324 on Firebug 3.6 $.bm("var divs = $('#pageBody .testdiv');"); // 2469 on Firebug 3.6 });

$.mockAjax({mockUrl: '/ajax_mocks'}); - mock your ajax calls