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Problem working with myregressoradaptor
Hello there, Thank you for the library and I'm enjoying using it. I have a problem using myregressoradaptor with a simple linear regressor that is not sklearn. let's say I have a very simple linear regressor from np. import numpy as np class lin_reg: def init(self): self.x=0 self.y=0 self.m=0 self.c=0 self.predictions=0 self.x_test=0
def fit(self,x,y):
self.A=np.vstack((self.x, np.ones(len(self.x)))).T
self.Model=np.linalg.lstsq(self.A, self.y)
self.m, self.c = self.Model[0]
def predict(self,x_test):
#print("x_test inside",self.x_test.shape)
print("pred shape",self.predictions.shape)
for i in range(len(x_test)):
#print("i is",i)
return self.predictions
then I define myregressoradaptor as:
class MyRegressorAdapter(RegressorAdapter): def init(self, model, fit_params=None): super(MyRegressorAdapter, self).init(model, fit_params)
def fit(self, x, y):
x is a numpy.array of shape (n_train, n_features)
y is a numpy.array of shape (n_train)
Here, do what is necessary to train the underlying model
using the supplied training data
''', y)
def predict(self, x):
Obtain predictions from the underlying model
Make sure this function returns an output that is compatible with
the nonconformity function used. For default nonconformity functions,
output from this function should be predicted real values in a
numpy.array of shape (n_test)
return self.model.predict(x)
and run it by: x = [x for x in range(100)] y = [y+1 for y in x ]
x_cal=np.array([x for x in range(100,200)]) x_cal=np.reshape(x_cal,(len(x_cal),1)) y_cal=np.array([y+1 for y in x_cal]) x_test=np.array([200,201,203]) x_test=x_test.reshape((x_test.shape[0],1)) my_regressor = lin_reg() # Initialize an object of your regressor's type model = MyRegressorAdapter(my_regressor) nc = RegressorNc(model) icp = IcpRegressor(nc) # Create an inductive conformal regressor
# Fit the ICP using the proper training set,y) # Calibrate the ICP using the calibration set icp.calibrate(np.array(x_cal), np.array(y_cal)) test_predictions=icp.predict(x_test,significance=0.05) print(test_predictions)
so the prediction on calibration happens properly, then prediction on test data starts and finishes, and then there is this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/behnam/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/PyCharm-C/ch-0/173.2696.9/helpers/pydev/", line 1640, in
Thanks for showing interest in Nonconformist!
What's happening here is that Nonconformist expects y-values to be supplied as one-dimensional numpy.arrays (i.e., row vectors rather than column vectors) for regression problems. The fix is quite simple: MyRegressorAdapter needs to return its predictions as a one-dimensional numpy.array, and y_cal supplied to IcpRegressor.calibrate() must also be a one-dimensional numpy.array.
I created a gist from your example---the only modifications I've made are on rows 61 and 68: