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Question about training process and "rounds"
I'm confused about your paper's use of the term "round" and your training scheme in general. Is "round" the same thing as your term t?
Am I correct in understanding that the training on a given round t looks like:
- Given X, Y, C, and X_m, train the multi-label classification model (starting with its weights from round t-1) until it converges.
- Generate the pseudo-masks for each image in X
- Given the pseudo-masks and X, train the segmentation model (starting with its weights from round t-1) until it converges.
- Generate the average masks c_i from the segmentation masks X_m. These will form set C for the next iteration.
@lambertwx @dongzhang89 作者你们好,可能是没有@导致你们没有看到这条提问,我也有相同的问题,请问这个代码的循环部分是怎么跑起来的,我在代码中只看到了产生伪掩码和分割模型训练两个部分单独的,但是整个框架的运行没找到,您知道如何解决吗????