Zheng Liu
Zheng Liu
> Hi, We do not supply complete maps for cities at this time. Our dataset spans 6 different cities, and releasing full maps for all areas was not feasible. The...
Thank you for reply! For lane neighbors and connections, sorry I did not record an exact sample. For example, there are cases like that lane A should be the successor...
should be the first sample in `uncompressed/scenario/training/training.tfrecord-00088-of-01000` I loaded the data like ``` data_dir = '/home/work/DataSet/uncompressed/scenario/training' filename = 'training.tfrecord-00088-of-01000' raw_dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset([os.path.join(data_dir, filename)]) for raw_record in raw_dataset.take(1): scenario = parse_waymo_scenario_to_proto(raw_record)...
and the error message is printed like ``` if (len(xyz_left) == 0 or len(xyz_right) == 0): print(use_print_style('**Map data error** lane , xyz_left shape: {}, xyz_right shape: {}'.format(len(xyz_left), len(xyz_right)), fore='red', mode='underline')...
yeah...i really did that...thank you very much.