big-sur-icons icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
big-sur-icons copied to clipboard

A collection of re-imagined icons for popular apps in the macOS Big Sir style


A collection of re-imagined icons for popular apps in the macOS Big Sur style

Love it, hate it, or meh, the styling of macOS Bir Sur is here. I happen to like the new icons, but some of the pre-Big Sur icons look out of place. I set out to change that.


To change an icon, first go to the Icons section below and look for the icons you wish to use. Right-click on the image select Copy Image.

Next, go to the app in the dock, right-click, and select Show in Finder.

In the Finder window, right click on the app entry and select Get Info. A window will pop up. At the top left corner you should see a tiny picture of the app icon. Click once on the little photo so an outline will appear.

Press +V to paste the image. If Finder asks for your password, put it in. Then, if the app you changed the icon for is open, quit it and open it again. You should see your new icon!


Brave VSCode light VSCode dark iTerm Twitter Slack light Slack dark Google Messages Chrome Chrome Developer Robo 3T


To add an icon to the list, create a folder under icons.

Next, use the Photoshop template in /docs/big-sur-icon-template.psd to create a png.

If the icon is the pre-Big Sur one with a background, make both a light and a dark. For continuity, please use only solid white and black backgrounds for the image except if there is a valid reason not to.

Place the png(s) and the psd file in the folder. Optionally, create a README file with any needed explaination. After that, put the new icon's image (light mode) down at the image list below. Then create a pull request.

Please use the naming convention of all lower case with dashes - between words.

For example, to add an icon for the popular Foo app:



Icons are copyright of their respective owners and are licensed here under MIT